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Jüri Etverk's Recent Galleries

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05-Sep-2019 09:43
Vultures of Monfragüe
:: Vultures of Monfragüe ::
13-Aug-2019 13:35
:: Photohunting ::
27-Sep-2017 19:23
You are so beautiful
:: You are so beautiful ::
04-Oct-2016 12:21
:: Closeups  ::
04-Oct-2016 12:19
The Alps
:: The Alps ::
04-Oct-2016 12:09
Stereotypical views of Tuscany
:: Stereotypical views of Tuscany ::
04-Oct-2016 11:48
Aurora borealis
:: Aurora borealis ::
04-Oct-2016 09:53
Seal safari in the Baltic Sea
:: Seal safari in the Baltic Sea ::
06-Aug-2015 09:46
Bear safari in Northern Karelia
:: Bear safari in Northern Karelia ::
04-Feb-2015 20:42
To the Arctic Ocean
:: To the Arctic Ocean ::
16-Sep-2014 16:40
Harbour Hopping in Hrvatska
:: Harbour Hopping in Hrvatska ::
02-Sep-2014 17:10
:: Santorini ::