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Welcome to my photopage. Travelling is my post-graduate degree.

If you happen to like a particular picture - please leave a comment and/or cast a vote - a few warm words gives extra energy.

Thank you and best regards, Jüri
Vultures of Monfragüe
:: Vultures of Monfragüe ::
Seal safari in the Baltic Sea
:: Seal safari in the Baltic Sea ::
Bear safari in Northern Karelia
:: Bear safari in Northern Karelia ::
:: Photohunting ::
You are so beautiful
:: You are so beautiful ::
Stereotypical views of Tuscany
:: Stereotypical views of Tuscany ::
Harbour Hopping in Hrvatska
:: Harbour Hopping in Hrvatska ::
:: Santorini ::
My first eagle safari
:: My first eagle safari ::
Photosafari in Lapland
:: Photosafari in Lapland ::
Lopar vacation
:: Lopar vacation ::
Route no 7 to Bergen
:: Route no 7 to Bergen ::
The beauty of harsh weather
:: The beauty of harsh weather ::
Rabac with add-ons
:: Rabac with add-ons ::
To, across and around the Black Sea
:: To, across and around the Black Sea ::
The land of whipcream
:: The land of whipcream ::
80 days - to there and back again
:: 80 days - to there and back again ::
Beach vacation in Baska, Krk
:: Beach vacation in Baska, Krk ::
Weddings in Belgrade
:: Weddings in Belgrade ::
From Belgrade to Tallinn
:: From Belgrade to Tallinn ::
:: Sicily ::
Mutlu Yillar in Istanbul
:: Mutlu Yillar in Istanbul ::
Chateaux's of Loire valley, Paris and Versailles
:: Chateaux's of Loire valley, Paris and Versailles ::
:: Budapest ::
A walk in Bratislava
:: A walk in Bratislava ::
Christmas in Vienna
:: Christmas in Vienna ::
Sarajevo and Mostar
:: Sarajevo and Mostar ::
A night in Oslo
:: A night in Oslo ::
Battleing the rain in Berlin
:: Battleing the rain in Berlin ::
Soldiers SpringTrek (TM) 2006
:: Soldiers SpringTrek (TM) 2006 ::
Reflections of Istria
:: Reflections of Istria ::
Four days in Pirin mountains
:: Four days in Pirin mountains ::
A day in Lisbon
:: A day in Lisbon ::
Moscow - surroundings of Kreml
:: Moscow - surroundings of Kreml ::
Roadtrip to Macedonia, Albania and Northern Greece
:: Roadtrip to Macedonia, Albania and Northern Greece ::
Belgrade and Serbia
:: Belgrade and Serbia ::
Saturday in Szeged, Hungary
:: Saturday in Szeged, Hungary ::
Adriatic coast
:: Adriatic coast ::
Andalusia and Gibraltar
:: Andalusia and Gibraltar ::
Estonia, in word and pictures
:: Estonia, in word and pictures ::
:: Madeira ::
Paris vs Rome
:: Paris vs Rome ::
European Basketball Championships 2005, Belgrade
:: European Basketball Championships 2005, Belgrade ::
Christmas in Estonia
:: Christmas in Estonia ::
Gotov je
:: Gotov je ::
Family & Friends
:: Family & Friends ::
Jalgpalliturniir Porecis
:: Jalgpalliturniir Porecis ::
The Castles of Sarti
:: The Castles of Sarti ::
:: Bled ::
Autumn in Estonian moors, swamps and forests
:: Autumn in Estonian moors, swamps and forests ::
Back to the future
:: Back to the future ::
To the Arctic Ocean
:: To the Arctic Ocean ::
Aurora borealis
:: Aurora borealis ::
The Alps
:: The Alps ::
:: Closeups  ::