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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2006 >> Potential Pictures for Calender 2007 >> My final choices > pbase Carol and Fran at Tate Modern June 27 2006.jpg
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pbase Carol and Fran at Tate Modern June 27 2006.jpg

Kids day # 2 - Fran's day

Fran was very excited about the possibility of going to the best toy store and
riding on a double decker bus. After a hour long ride through London, we met
my sister, borther in law, and my neice, Joan, at the Modern Tate.

Some "happy snaps" from the day.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01
1/8s f/4.1 at 10.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW01-Jul-2006 21:01
Lovely capture. Memories are made of this
optimist01-Jul-2006 06:29
Well done.
mollyb 29-Jun-2006 11:56
both seem deep in reflection
Linda Alstead28-Jun-2006 06:35
cool shot
Steven Jusczyk28-Jun-2006 05:41
Great idea to use the spoon to reflect the art. Wonderful candid!