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Dwight Rankine's Recent Galleries

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27-Dec-2024 13:16
:: Leaves ::
26-Dec-2024 13:40
The Looking Glass
:: The Looking Glass ::
25-Dec-2024 21:51
City Scenes
:: City Scenes ::
24-Dec-2024 13:18
Evenings in Toronto
:: Evenings in Toronto ::
23-Dec-2024 12:49
The Garden
:: The Garden ::
21-Dec-2024 19:57
Art In Toronto
:: Art In Toronto ::
19-Dec-2024 01:10
People Plus
:: People Plus ::
17-Dec-2024 01:02
THE LAKE~~~~~~~~
:: THE LAKE~~~~~~~~ ::
11-Dec-2024 13:42
In Black and White
:: In Black and White ::
08-Dec-2024 22:28
Other Things
:: Other Things ::
07-Dec-2024 01:00
Autumn 2024
:: Autumn 2024 ::
02-Dec-2024 00:47
The Presence of Sunlight
:: The Presence of Sunlight ::