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Mandrin 24-Aug-2023 16:36
17 ans déja que je suis votre oeuvre, du pur bonheur, et quand on a la chance de vous avoir croisé, on découvre vite que votre talent n'est pas votre seul atout. vous êtes une personne extraordinaire par entre autre votre gentillesse, votre sourire, l' attention que vous portez à vos amis. vous êtes belle de l'intérieur comme à l'extérieur. Du fond du coeur, je vous remercie et vous bise la main.
Cd24-Mar-2015 07:34
Wow..very nice galleries
Max01-Jun-2014 06:14
Haven't seen your works since March... How are you, Latifa, how is the treatment going?

Best regards,

Buba Jafarli23-Oct-2013 17:08
Hi Latifa,

How are you these days? I hope better and better, right?

Warm regards,

Alexander11-Oct-2013 12:26
thanks for your comments. I've just spent some time looking through your galleries: super cool. You've got a look and a vision and style which are enviable, and which certainly are way beyond most of what I see on Pbase. Excellent - thank you
Denny Walldén17-Jun-2013 13:00
Hello, you have many fine, inspiring and interesting photographs. I've looked at your galleries and I will come back to them.
John 12-Apr-2013 16:46
Bonjour Latifa! I totally love your creative work! Thank you for granting me permission
feature several of your photos in my music video (by Appaloosa1969) "Rivers Run to the Sea" on U Tube. Keep up your amazing work!
Bien a vous,
Ken Franckling13-Dec-2012 14:52
Hi Latifa, your work is quite exquisite. beautiful galleries...
Sabine 02-Oct-2012 09:23
Hello Latifa ("Maman"), beautiful photos!!Je suis déjà fan!:-)
J'espere que tu vas bien! A bientot + keep sharing these beautiful, truely authentic & very human pictures! Sabine (Magique..)
Nannini 31-Aug-2012 15:26
Coucou Latifah, C'est Nannini ! Quelle belle galerie !!! Je suis en admiration.
Marilyn10-Aug-2012 14:41
I always return again and again to your galleries and am never disappointed. Magnifique
artist03-Aug-2012 10:28
Hi.... I like your photos so much... you are really so creative photographer..

im an artist and i paint on canvas, paper etc ... I hope we can be good friends.
an nguyen18-Dec-2011 13:03
Sweet dear ,
Happy Holidays to you,
always be happy and hope life treat you well .
Anne N
franz19-Jul-2011 19:27
Latifa est généreuse, elle est photografe...
teachpeace06-Jun-2011 05:26
I'm just beginning to're one of my inspirations. Love your point of view, especially when photographing women. Always compelling, always original.
an nguyen10-May-2011 16:19
I did not write message and sign your guest book ?
Strange things here .
Just want to let you know you are my genie and nothing change that ,
Anne N
Guest 21-Nov-2010 12:41
I love your work, its very inspiring , thanx for sharing it, i have added you to my favs
good luck
Marilyn21-Sep-2010 18:33
Hi Latifa- thanks for your recent comment on my images, it always means a lot to me. You have so many wonderful ones its hard to count them all! Merci & best wishes!
unclewk22-May-2010 14:23
Great images, just beautiful
Guest 20-Feb-2010 20:00
creative work : unique and intimate , can t believe all the things i see here:! you must be a great artist , you have something to give
HuangLei03-Feb-2010 16:21
Hi Sushislee,
Thank you for your nice comments.
You work is excellent! I really enjoy navigate through your galleries.
Best regards
krishan30-Jan-2010 13:37
Hi.... like your photos so much..... you are really great photographer..... im an artist and i paint on canvas. I hope we can be good friends.

Eli Bynum19-Dec-2009 16:46
I'm just blown away by your galleries/work! I'll be visiting often. You're very creative!
fiery_angel29-Nov-2009 12:35
when my friends ask me to see some really DIFFERENT photography works, i would always point them to your site.
your style really shines through to show your eye for photography is DIFFERENT.
thanks, for the different perspective of photography.
great works all the time.
Paradoxal Studio - Paris04-Aug-2009 17:59
C'est vraiment difficile de commenter tes photos... je n'y arrive pas...
Je crois que c'est parce que je n'ai pas assez de vocabulaire. Ce n'est pas suffisant de simples "Nice picture" "Beau portrait" "Superbe image" etc... Où que l'on regarde, que ce soit en tant que photographe ou comme modèles, tes galeries sont uniques et magnifiques. Ce site est à ta dimension: démesuré ! C’est un vrai musée, c'est vraiment incroyable tout ce que tu nous offres là, c’est une mine d’idée, d’inventivité. Il faut que tu explose, ce n’est pas possible de rester cantonnée à PBase (quoi que tu es déjà une star ici) mais je trouve injuste que tu ne sois pas plus reconnue que ça, il te faut des expos, des médias, je ne sais pas… Ce n’est que le début, on le sent bien, vivement la suite… jusqu’où nous emmènera-tu ?
paul yung12-Jul-2009 14:26
An artist at work. Congrats!
Gilles Navet07-Mar-2009 09:02
Il y a photographes et artistes.
Tu es une artiste, je suis persuadé que tu pourrais nous faire des trucs aussi créatif avec du collage ou de la pate à modelée.
C'est dans la tête que tout se passe. L'outil est accessore......
respect Madame
Marilyn17-Feb-2009 13:42
Merci, Latifa for the lovely comments on my gallery. An honor coming from you! Cheers-marilyn
silverghost195115-Feb-2009 22:18
lots to choose from
fiery_angel10-Feb-2009 01:30
I see your galleries growing everytime i visit it.envy!!!
and they're beautiful!
Guest 08-Jan-2009 20:57
Dear Sushi,
Thank you so much for commenting on my works recently, I appreciate your attention, and I like a lot your work, which has a keyword "creative" on all of the images.
Have a great New Year, let it bring you new ideas and friendships!
Dan Chusid31-Dec-2008 16:33
Best wishes for a super New Year and keep up the terrific work!
Paul Teixeira30-Dec-2008 16:03
Impressive portfolio! You've got a keen eye for 'the human nature'...

Best regards,

Paul Teixeira
Gabor S24-Dec-2008 05:02
Thanks for visiting my galleries and the kind comments !
Denis Vincelette22-Dec-2008 12:11
Il y a beaucopup trop de splendeurs et de niveau artistique dans ces galeries pour ne laisser que quelques comentaires ici et là ... sur les plus frappantes ... Impossible !
Je me permet de prendre un instant de votre temps pour vous féliciter de votre grand talent et de ce que vous en faites .... La créativité dont vous faites preuve est absolument remarquable ! Bravo .....
fiery_angel22-Dec-2008 09:01
what a magical pbase portfolio.
this has to be the most unique style of photography that i had come across.
great work, great artistic direction, great photography.
simply great.
Guest 23-Sep-2008 21:14
Wonderful creative work you make, most with an orginal style, a joy to watch and looking forward for more.
Pawel18-Sep-2008 18:49
You have huge gallery. Something to watch many times.
Pawel18-Sep-2008 18:48
Than you for visitin my profile. It is onest for me that something from my work cought your attention :)!
Michelle Castro 12-Aug-2008 01:25
I like your work! I will like to invite you to the Galapagos, it will be great to do some photos here. You can also make a group of people that is interested in photography. I can make you know places that so few tourist visit like a place where suggar cane in process on the traditional way (with a dunkey)to get the cane licour, visit the most interesting islands and a lot of interesting things.

My idea is that your stays and travel is free and we can get good prices for your group.

Let me know what you think.

Best wishes,

Michelle Castro
Paradoxal Studio Classic11-Aug-2008 22:31
Ca fesait qelques temsp que je n'étais pas venu faire un tour sur tes galeries...Il y a plein de nouvelles choses, autant créatives que naturelles. Bravo ! Toujours du Grand Art ! Tu es la Maîtresse des lieux ! :oD
Guest 19-Jul-2008 13:08
You did a brilliant work until now,superb galleries !
Thank for sharing
Roe..13-Jul-2008 03:11 are one of my favorite artist..I love your creativity and unique style..I hope you show your work outside of PBase..a gallery exhibit would be wonderful..
vincenzo cirillo 05-Mar-2008 11:35
Brava mi piace moltissimo quello che fai hai un tocco raffinato e pieno talento
Guest 20-Feb-2008 16:07
i really love your work
Guest 20-Feb-2008 15:12
piet 15-Feb-2008 19:53
absolutely superb
Fotis D. Tirokomos22-Jan-2008 18:23
What I particularly like about you is that you have distinctive expression identity
Adalberto Tiburzi31-Dec-2007 07:10
The humble reporter, the modest lifelong student of the imagery of the world bows to the visionary power of the Goddess of the Mind.
Adal ;-))
Colin Clarke27-Dec-2007 18:53
Just adding to my comment 11 Sep 2007. Your collaboration with Joy in these recent galleries has produced outstanding work. I have watched her galleries for quite a while. You and she seem to have connected very well, and the images are great!
Guest 27-Nov-2007 21:02
Je viens de passer un superbe moment à admirer ton travail. Je te félicite Latifa
assilem2127-Nov-2007 11:07
BRAVO!!! Tu as un regard magnifique et tes photos sont merveilleuses!!! J'avais déjà visité ton myspace, je voulais en devenir une amie mais je n'ai pas pu, je te laisse dons le lien si tu veux aller y jeter un coup d'oeil!!! Je suis sous le charme de ton univers, et si tu cherche un modèle je suis a ta disposition!! Et j'en serais très flattée!! Ton travail mérite d'être exposé aux quatres coins du monde!!! Tout simplement magnifique, quel talent!!! BRAVO!!!
Guest 18-Oct-2007 01:16
Great galleries thanks for sharing your images
Guest 06-Oct-2007 06:06
Instigating images... Thanks for sharing.
Guest 05-Oct-2007 01:25
Everytime I revisit your galleries I get chills... You know, that kind of chills when something is soooo good you cannot look at it any longer because it's bigger than your brain and it's bigger than you and the work is soooo good...I am really a fan of your work, Latifa. Thanks :-)
Osman Yazirdag01-Oct-2007 19:09
Thanks for stopping by and leaving kind comments.
It means a lot to me to get nice comments from such an artist like you.
And, thanks for sharing your excellent work!
Guest 21-Sep-2007 07:10
You know, it's going to take me a while to get through your galleries.... Oh well, such a pleasant distraction...
Guest 21-Sep-2007 00:20
Wonderful gallerys. You have a very talented eye for shapes, shadows,
color and composition. Impressive.
XiaoBernard9920-Sep-2007 05:57
Bravo SUSHISLEE pour toutes tes Galleries ,tu es une Grande Photographe.Tout est sensible, parlant,souvent technique,les couleurs les eclairages ,les titres tout se marie, s'enchevêtre pour donner au final un grand plaisir au spectateur ,au lecteur,au voyeur de tes oeuvres.Merci.
PS:Why a very complicate Nickname?
Jeff Real14-Sep-2007 00:41
I am just stunned looking at the beauty in your galleries. You are a master portraitist.
I look so forward to many many return visits.
Colin Clarke11-Sep-2007 20:16
Hello: I just wanted to tell you that from where I stand, your collection of galleries must rate as the most artistic, original, and challenging of all on PBASE. You have explored, and continue to explore, the outer bounds of image making with great skill. Superb work. Thank you for sharing it with us. Best. Colin
RadioWonder09-Aug-2007 17:42
Thanks for visiting my gallery and your kind comments.
Guest 06-Aug-2007 21:14
Hi Latifa
Thank you so much for visiting my galleries and leaving such kind comments which,coming from a photographer of your ability,are really appreciated.Keep taking those inspirational images.Kind regards, David.
Dan Chusid05-Aug-2007 05:12
No wonder Ray doesn't get any sleep!
; )
Clyne04-Aug-2007 23:31
Thanks for your comment on my people in burma gallery - a real compliment coming from such an accomplished portrait photographer :)
Guest 02-Aug-2007 04:18
I have been glued in front of the monitor for more than an hour now browsing through your galleries. I would have to say I'm very honored to be blessed with a positive comment coming from you. Your images inspires me. Your creativity inspires me. I just started photography in the beginning of this year and it to be honest... it's galleries like yours that made me stick to it. Thank you very much for sharing.
Ray :)31-Jul-2007 01:16
I could look at your galleries for hours and hours. No wonder it's late!
Guest 30-Jul-2007 00:23
mmhhhh....basically all your images are amazing...i love your style and the way you
handle the image....u got such amazing sense of light and framing...which makes your
work truly Unique and shows your own style....
really love your photography, its excactly the style i love...
really looking foreward to more of your work...

Marc Demoulin19-Jul-2007 19:22
Difficile de te suivre dans ta très prolifique production de grande qualité. Il fallait quand même que je passe un jour dans ton livre dire à quel point ton travail est admirable.
franckjd03-Jul-2007 21:08
Un univers completement a part et magnifique, merci pour le suis sous le charme et inspire.

Guest 22-Jun-2007 05:18
I'm looking at the world different thanks to your pictures.
David Clunas20-Jun-2007 19:41
I love it when I stumble across and such an inspirational collection of galleries - thanks for being there!! :)

Look forward to diving deeper in, in the coming weeks :)

Noor Khan05-Jun-2007 17:00
Thanks for the visits. Glad to find you 2. Nice work.
marxz04-Jun-2007 09:13
I'm really quite taken by your style, it's so visually strong but still managing to be very intimate.
Zeno Chen28-May-2007 12:57
dear sushislee
Thanks for the comment of my gallery.
you work is so great too.
regi olbrechts16-May-2007 09:11
Stunning work Sushislee. Brilliant, powerfull...
I feel so limited now, so stereotype
(but I'll survive and use what I learn from you! ;-))
kimberly borchardt11-May-2007 05:20
Annie Liebowitz---watch out!
Guest 08-May-2007 15:19
Brilliant, brilliant galleries!! Instant favorites!!
Guest 08-May-2007 08:29
Dear Sushislee,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro, old/new country in Europa...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 06-May-2007 07:53
I have just loved visiting your galleries and feel so inspiried by your creativity and energy. Thank you. Diana
Guest 06-May-2007 00:06
I feel like I just took a photography course after going through your galleries. There is some much creativity, technique, and expressionism going on that is a bit overwhemling. I enjoyed this very much.
Guest 05-May-2007 14:30
you have superb collection and very impressive gallery. I will add you to my fav so that i won't miss any of your latest photos.
Salah El-Sadek04-May-2007 08:43
Sushilee "Latifa",
It is always a pleasure, joy and interesting visiting your galleries, to get inspired by your creativity and artisitic vision.. I keep visiting and checking on your site every now and then seeking artistic ideas and enthuesim refueling..
Best wishes,
Elena Kalis01-May-2007 11:45
Superb work!!!!Your creativity and productivety are just amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest 10-Apr-2007 17:39
lol Im looking for the gallery of collaborations with you and Dehl but you have so many I don't know where to start hehe
marita toftgard02-Apr-2007 08:16
thanks for lovely comments!

Svetlana Vasylyeva21-Mar-2007 12:04
Hello Susislee, thanks for visiting my gallery
ML20-Mar-2007 19:44
Just visited Paris, France! And I had an awesome time there, I could just camp out and shoot everything from the streets, buildings, people and food for hours on end!
Guest 18-Mar-2007 12:09
You are a very talented and truely creative photographer.Beautiful and original work!
Guest 16-Mar-2007 08:17
You are tremendously talented... Thanks for inspiring :)
Guest 13-Mar-2007 13:03
Very interesting work! I will follow and learn...
Guest 12-Mar-2007 15:58
Des galeries techniquement parfaites.
Quelle inventivité.
flowsnow09-Mar-2007 16:31
I scrolled down to check if I signed you guestbook and indeed I have. But this round I want to say I love your style of photography. It's very unique and most of are a talented photographer. Well done.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 14:32
You have great stuff here and I'm a little jealous to be honest.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:04
You are one gifted photographer. I can spend the whole day exploring your galleries.

Your ideas are so different yet impressive and very artistic.

Thanks for your kind words and for inspiring me to be innovative. Your work truly inspired me.
Tom Storey07-Mar-2007 08:32
Truly beautiful works of art. Thank you for sharing, you are in my Favorites.
Best Wishes
Guest 06-Mar-2007 13:55
Your photos have left an impression on me and that's a rare thing.
Guest 03-Mar-2007 18:01
I'm very impressed with your style and your vision,sushislee!
Thank you for visiting my galleries.
Guest 24-Feb-2007 14:16
Very nice work,some of our work relate to one another
Norbert Fortelny20-Feb-2007 19:26
Good stuff, like your galleries.
Carol20-Feb-2007 14:29
Your skill is really good~
I like your style~
Gilles Navet16-Feb-2007 17:16
Heureus d'avoir fait ta connaissance photographique, avec de images attachantes, intelligentes,
On sent une démarche personnelle forte, une implication dans ce que tu faits, rien de banal.
Je t'ai ajouté dans mes favoris et reviendrai voir ce que tu nous donnes
hb06-Feb-2007 16:38
Are you take yourself the pictures in dance gallery??
Great taste and talent.
regards and see my photos
Guest 01-Feb-2007 07:53
I discovered your galleries quite by accident... what a wonderful surprise! You have a special talent. Thanks for sharing your vision. I just added you to my favourites!
Guest 31-Jan-2007 16:48
Today I did a walk...this is maybe the best word for it...through your art gallery and spend almost one hour there, before I know it was dark outside. Sitting with a cup of tea looking to the beautiful is like a discovery...thank you for the beautiful afternoon.

Phil Orgeron31-Jan-2007 02:20
So creative!!

Thanks for sharing your wonderful work.

Guest 28-Jan-2007 14:19
Tu es la plus surprenante,
Bourré d'imagination,
Avec une soif de création infernalle
Et pour ceux qui ont la chance de te connaitre, savoir ohhh combien ton coeur est grand
Avec ton talent, tu va faire des fantastiques ravages dans le monde de l'ART.
Et nous tes admirateurs, nous attendons et guettons avec des yeux émerveillés,
chaques jours tes nouvelles créations.
Un grand merci a toi Latifa de nous faire partager !!!
12328-Jan-2007 07:09
Sushislee I just noticed that I neglected to sign your guestbook. Well, although I am tongue tied at the moment, I must say that you are undoubtably one of the most original photographers at Pbase and for a fact one huge inspiration for those of us who seek it avidly! I would say that you are the future of exciting and unthinkable images and that your best work is yet to come. I am looking forward to continue getting my socks blown
Peter Rump19-Jan-2007 14:34
Thoroughly enjoyed your galleries.
Greg Burke14-Jan-2007 01:37
You are a very talented photographer, and I just put you on my favorites list..... Thanks for visiting my galleries.
James Clarke13-Jan-2007 22:21
Hi Sushi,

There are plenty of people on PBase who take good photos, but you're one of the few who truly makes great art works. Thoroughly enjoyed your galleries.

Thank you for sharing your talent,

Henry Taitano06-Jan-2007 22:30
Your work is Fantastico!
Thanks for visiting mine.
Paradoxal Studio Classic06-Jan-2007 12:27
Une overdose d'images !
Magnifique site !
J'adore !
Andrew Vincent05-Jan-2007 09:48

After viewing your galleries for the last few weeks I have decided you are either a professional or a prodigy. No other explanation. Your work is remarkable. Remarkably good that is. I can think of few others who combine photography with other forms of art so effortlessly.

Guest 04-Jan-2007 12:27
Hi Sushi,
Thanks for your comments in my gallery!! You are one of my fav artists in pbase :) so really appretiate your commets.
Cheers and have a great year ahead!!
Guest 25-Dec-2006 23:01
Beautiful Galleries..
Guest 25-Dec-2006 17:02
hi latifa
just wanted to wish you and your family the best this holiday season. enjoy the new year.
Guest 24-Dec-2006 21:11
Hello Latifa,

A very nice X-mas evening and a happy newyear to you and all your beloved. Make 2007 a very very creative year and let's push things forwards.
Longing to meet you and my husband must work hard to organise, see you soon.
Dan Chusid21-Dec-2006 18:59
Enjoying your imagery and have added you into my favorites.
Hope you have a fantastic holiday season!
- Dan
Guest 20-Dec-2006 08:20
Hello, nice galleries, get a lot of new ideas, love to see it all, thanks for sharing...regards,J.
Guest 17-Dec-2006 10:29
Hi Sushilee - thanks for your kind comments on my shots. Really enjoyed looking through your work, there are some great and unique shots here. Look forward to more!
Ali Majdfar16-Dec-2006 05:52
Hi Sushi
Thank you for your visit and kind comments. These sort of responses convince me that the job is done correctly. Thanks again.
Guest 11-Dec-2006 01:39
Hello Sushi,
I appreciate your very nice comments. I did enjoy every image from your galleries.
I have a seen a lot of talented and creative individuals. In my book, you
are one of them. Keep on shooting! Regards, Gil
Andrew Cornick06-Dec-2006 12:29
I've really enjoyed browsing your galleries Sushi. It's hard to be original and find your own voice( should be eye!) amongst so many collections on PBase, but you really have something different and special. Keep on taking pictures ... just for you!
Guest 04-Dec-2006 10:29
you make a very interesting work! i m impressed , so different and so original.
best regard.
fotoopa04-Dec-2006 10:05
Hello Sushi,
Thanks for the visite on my most recent experiments gallerie.
You have such an accomplished collection of photos into different galleries!
Mina 03-Dec-2006 20:28
coucou miss !
je te laisse un ptit mot pour te dire
que tu fais de trés belles photos !
j'aime beaucoup !
continues comme ça !
gros bisous ma belle
à bientot ^^
anthony legg03-Dec-2006 17:19
your work is amazing. The creativity of your ideas is exceptionally broad.
I have already enjoyed my short first visit to your galleries. I will be definetly returning again.
mandrin (jf) 02-Dec-2006 22:01
Une avalanche de photo ? habituellement quantité ne fait pas bon ménage avec qualité...
tu prouve que c'est l'exeption qui confirme la règle.
J'ajouterai : jeune rime avec prodige !!!
en tout cas je suis bouche bée devant tes chefs-d'oeuvres.
Guest 02-Dec-2006 15:13
Hello Sushi, thank you very much for your comment. We did not use clour light, only tricked the camera by changing the white balance.

I am sooooo charmed by your work, if ever I can visit your city, I would like to be your model, or if ever you would like to visit Belgium, you can stay with us.
We have a studio ( PhotokitcheN ).
Guest 01-Dec-2006 22:26
Sushi, you are doing an excellent job at showing your own vision, I am glad you are sharing it with us. Happy photography and best wishes.
Guenter Eh29-Nov-2006 13:17
I follow your works since your start in june 06. All forecasts of the early commentators arrived: You are gifted with a big artistic talent. Your displayed works are truly an enrichment for the pbase community and we ALL - I ´m only one voice in the choir - have to thank you for sharing these photographic gems, the emotional moments and the inspiration!.
Guest 29-Nov-2006 12:49
you are so nice for a beginner! ansel adams is the best reference .good luck! and keep it the good work!
Jihad Jean Chahine28-Nov-2006 05:12
Great Pictures, Great photographer!
Derek M John25-Nov-2006 08:41
Hi there, just been browsing through your galleries. Lots of interesting subjects. The Political/Social commentary also gives pause for thought. Nice Artistic Work.
Cheers Degsy
flowsnow24-Nov-2006 13:08
Thanks for your comments on some of my pictures and visiting my gallery! You have some wonderful pictures here. Keep them coming in !! Cheers :D
François Hamon23-Nov-2006 20:48
Superbes photos, traitement très humain et respectueux des modèles. Une Galerie très très originale...

Un don, on peut appeler ça ainsi.
Robyco23-Nov-2006 09:38
Through your latest upload a saw some pictures.
Really nice galleries, very good shots.

I will be back to give a better look.
Guest 21-Nov-2006 03:22
Congratulations! your Physical gallery is superb! thanks for sharing, keep up shoting...
Guest 17-Nov-2006 22:29
I enjoyed your gallery. How are truely a artist.
Pablo Yáñez17-Nov-2006 15:04
Thanks for your kind words on one of my photos... came to see your images and went straight to your "profile image" the portrait of Simone - that was worth the trip alone. Now that you have me hooked, I'll go wander the halls of your galleries.

Guest 15-Nov-2006 09:58
Dear Ansel Adams
indeed, i enjoyed visiting your galleries. i saw some beautiful pictures (and even left some comments there :-) ) and learned that u have really briliant ideas, imagination and eye.
well done, dear !
Marwan Habib12-Nov-2006 20:46
Je suis bluffé par l'imagination, la sensualité, l'humour ou la spontanéité qui se dégage de chacune de tes images.
Chaque jour apporte une nouvelle surprise alors qu'il semblait que tu touchais la limite de l'inventivité.

Bravo et continue, c'est un véritable plaisir que de visiter ces galeries.
Guest 09-Nov-2006 14:44
i had a great tour through your galleries...thanks for the trip
Guest 03-Nov-2006 02:32
i like the way you capture events naturally. the black and whites are wonderful. keep up the good work. i am looking forward to seeing more of your photography. and thanks for your comments on my photos.
David 26-Oct-2006 18:50
De bien belles photos. Un regard à la fois esthetique et social.
Tu as du talent. Continue !
Lilith24-Oct-2006 16:33
On that portrait I have sleepy and sad eyes. I was sad that day. But hey, everyone has to be sad sometimes, don't you agree?
You have a wonderful face. Very intriguing.
Emad Omar11-Oct-2006 10:42
Congratulation you are one of the popular galleries in pbase
Guenter Eh10-Oct-2006 22:17
Your works of Algeria are more than a display of ordinary fotos. They open eyes and heart for the people,their culture, their daily life. My deepest admiration for this outstanding job!

And I wish and hope many people - pbasers or not - take the chance to discover the world of your amazing galleries!
Barbara Heide22-Sep-2006 01:05
coucou Latifa!
juste un petit bonjour en passant! Tu nous manques!! J'espère que tu nous reviendras bientôt!
Guest 23-Aug-2006 10:54
i m impressed by the pictures in your galleries: your photogrpahy have an impressive quality ! you have a very sensitive sight! magic! specially the galery "arabica"! CONGRATULATIONS!
frederic ROUVERAND13-Aug-2006 18:10
J'aime beaucoup les photos de Diane et plus précisément la photo bleutée.
Grande classe !!!
mounir 31-Jul-2006 21:57
Coucou Latifa!!!
c'est de mieux en mieux, tu est douée ,et t'es vraiment superbe
bonne continuation

bgirl 12-Jul-2006 12:31
i m very happy to have spend a so nice moment to see your pics , they are all very great! you have a good vibes and you are going to be a famous photographer if you follow your so CANDID work!

yes!! it's the first feeling i have when i see your photos: you are candid and naturel!

Good luck!
haboglabotribin 11-Jul-2006 23:27
J'ai kiffé la série des clodos avec le sosie de Corbier.

Bravo ;)
Guest 11-Jul-2006 15:11
Thank you so much for commenting on my Landscape Gallery!
Guenter Eh08-Jul-2006 17:07
Your comment to the recent PaD of Steve H leads me to your wonderful galleries. It was a delight to browse on it and I love especially love your b+w images! You got a very own and unique signature with your works!.

A warm and heartful welcome to the pbase community - enjoy your time here and be inspired by the works of the others - it`s a great deal!

Al the best and take care

nesstee 06-Jul-2006 10:05
tu sais ke j'adore la majorités de tes clichés ..

Peter Chou03-Jul-2006 14:25
Thank you for visiting my galleries and I am glad that you like my work! I like your portraits very much and I can see that you are very good with long focal length perspective. May I humbly suggest that you give wide angle lense a try? Like 35mm or 28mm? It helps to include the subject's environment and allows more dynamic composition. :) Overall, your work is very good and sensual!
Mina 02-Jul-2006 11:25
de trés belle photos !!
continue miss
Ray :)02-Jul-2006 10:44
My, you have a real talent. You are one of the best candid photographers on Pbase.
Lovin' it.
Guest 27-Jun-2006 22:10
Why the strange feeling? I'm just curious!!!
Thanks for visiting!You are welcome back anytime!
Nice work also..
Best regards
Emad Omar27-Jun-2006 11:34
I just discovered your pbase. Very nice and good work
Al Varland26-Jun-2006 21:25
Great stuff in here, welcome to PBase, I predict you're going to be very popular!
Djeeeb 26-Jun-2006 07:35
hey ma pepette. Bravo. continue.