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Dirk Weissensteiner | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Dirk Weissensteiner
Name Dirk Weissensteiner (joined 02-Jan-2010) (pbase supporter)
Username sluseparken
Location Germany
View Galleries : Dirk Weissensteiner has 77 galleries and 5231 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 803792 times.

View Guestbook : 6 messages. Most recent on 04-Nov-2023.

Message from Dirk Weissensteiner

Welcome to my galleries -

please feel free to comment my pictures; critical comments are welcome as well.

my current Equipment:

Nikon Zf
Voigtlander Nokton Z 50mm 1.0 Aspherical
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Nikon Z8
Nikkor Z 24mm 1.8 S
Nikkor Z 50mm 1.8 S
Nikkor Z 50mm 1.2 S
Nikkor Z 85mm 1.2 S
Nikkor Z MC 105mm 2.8 VR S
Nikkor Z 135mm 1.8 S Plena
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Feisol Tournament 3442, Feisol CB50DC
NX Studio, Capture One
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