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Mr.Howard Jay passed away on December 5th, 2021. He passed peacefully in his home and is now looking down graciously protecting his family.

This gallery is dedicated to our devoted husband and father. He always believed that family and lifelong friendships make up who we are; Howard also took great pride in collecting police badges. He was also an avid supporter of the California Law Enforcement Historical Society.

Howard never let the impending challenges in life change the good person he was. His wittiness allowed us to forge the many great memories that will last a lifetime; he will forever be looked up to as someone with strong morals which did all he could to provide for his family.

The Jay Family
Linda, Samantha, Tyler
:: las_vegas_police_museum ::
san francisco muni history
:: san francisco muni history ::
San Francisco Police Department  Badges and Photos
:: San Francisco Police Department Badges and Photos ::
san francisco fire department
:: san francisco fire department ::
Obsolete and current Police badges
:: Obsolete and current Police badges ::
:: porkys_2016 ::
The 2007 Nationals and rare badge collections
:: The 2007 Nationals and rare badge collections ::
:: los_angeles_sheriff_museum ::
:: vegas_ ::
:: marin_county_historical_society ::
:: national_show ::
:: growing_up ::
:: moraga_post_office ::
smith barney and 2005 updates
:: smith barney and 2005 updates ::
:: family_and_friends ::
2015 party
:: 2015 party ::
birthdays and parties
:: birthdays and parties ::