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help private comment 15-May-2024 17:36
Thora Boyd 05-Mar-2024 14:12
Thanks for letting me look at the wildflower, the jack-in-the-pulpit. It brought back wonderful memories of hiking in my in-laws woods in CT and seeing some of those fabulous wildflowers! Please keep the site because it is the most complete site I have seen and nicest to. Best, T. Boyd
Tod H. 28-Sep-2023 21:27
I had searched and saved a photo of a Zebra Swallowtail some years ago. Today, I was just going through random photos and ran across the Zebra. I opened it and saw Bob Moul's name on it, so did a search on his name. Wow, what a collection of beautiful photos! Going to keep looking at more, but wanted to drop a note. I'm a photo buff myself, and have a few decent photos, but getting time for more can be difficult. These photos of Bob's are an encouragement to me to keep at it. Thank you for keeping this site alive!
Kathy DeMan 20-Oct-2021 17:48
I am wanting to paint a photo of Bob’s from 2007 of two ring necked ducks. Can you give me this permission?
Guest 22-Aug-2019 14:25
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I was looking at different phases of the black swallowtail butterfly online and I found your amazing galleries.
Kimberton, PA
Coral Z. Jackson 27-Jul-2019 23:39
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing with me.
Paul 22-Jul-2019 13:40
Thank you to the Moul family for preserving your fathers legacy through his photographs!
I just retired and began taking pictures of dragonflies. I have some nice pictures, but none can compare to those of your Father's! I was hoping to meet your Father and perhaps receive some photography tips, but just noticed his passing.

May you find satisfaction knowing the joy and inspiration your Father's images continue bring so many people!

masterfilms03-Jul-2019 04:53
I enjoyed visiting your beautiful galleries
Guest 26-Apr-2019 03:24
I hope your father can feel my gratitude for giving me additional reference for my biology presentation all the way from a little California college, because his pictures are beautiful.
Guest 22-Nov-2018 12:40
Thanks for clarifying differences between Purple Finch and House Finch.
Syracuse. NY
Janet 02-Sep-2018 12:02
Visited your site to try to identify caterpillar I found in the street. Acted like a swallowtail, but not any colors of the instars on your page.
Your site is very nice- informative, easy to read, and great pics!
Lauren 23-Aug-2018 15:27
I admire Bobs photos on the BAMONA website.
Bethe Gettle 01-Jun-2018 03:46
I am excited that I found such an amazing reference for the moths I'm finding here in Lancaster County.
Mary A. Yoder 14-Apr-2018 17:58
I saw a tolye moth in my parking place in 2009. I look on line to learn it's name. Just this week, my son-in-law posted to the web. Low and behold someone answered from WVA along with the name. Further reaserch, found your site. Was very pleased!!! THANL YOU!!
(please excuse my misspelling words- an old and had a stroke but am in wonder for all the things you see around us!!)
Steve Kohn 11-Feb-2018 21:25
Bob, I'm 71 and writing my memoirs. Not that my life has been that important or interesting, but it gives me a chance to pass on some lessons-learned to my six grandchildren, maybe to their future children as well, in the form of a story.

I just added something to the memoir about me finding a caterpillar when I was a boy in Pennsylvania. Believe it to be, thanks to your excellent photos, a black swallowtail. I'd put it in a cigar box, along with a twig and some leaves. In a few days it began changing, your site says into a chrysalis, but I kind of remember mine making a cocoon. So maybe wasn't a BS. (Not important to this lesson.) In the spring, I heard a fluttering from inside the box, and sure enough, a gorgeous butterfly. Am sure it had a lot to do with my lifelong love of science, especially biology.

Reason I'm writing is to wonder how long your website will be up, and if it will be up after your death. (I have the same concerns about my own website, so am not being morbid.) I've linked to your site, but will it be up in 25 or 50 years?

Great site, though, and thanks for all the time and work you've put into it.

Hoping you enjoy many more happy years.
Kathy Bowers 25-Jan-2018 16:27
Good to hear from you, Ann. Thank you for your note- the credit for maintaining the site goes to my brother, Rob ( or Bob - as most call him). I agree He does a stellar job with it. My email is Please contact me directly to connect since I don’t see the email addresses entered on the site. Love to catch up. Thanks!
Ann Pettigrew23-Jan-2018 01:12
Kathy, I am so happy that you have kept up your Dad's site. It continues to be a wonderful,source for me and so many others. Thank you!
Kathy Bowers 09-Jan-2018 14:24
January 8 happy heavenly birthday Pop!
Love and miss you. ❤️
Kathy Bowers 09-Jan-2018 14:07
January 8 —- happy heavenly birthday, Pop. I took pictures of the first butterfly weed I planted to support the monarch caterpillars late summer which you always advocated. I was surprised at their lovely tiger stripes and when they disappeared into their little cocoon pods I wasn’t sure I hadn’t accidentally killed them.. I checked the pods regularly but thought maybe York County weather was too cool ....
My reward came one day when I caught sight of one small monarch as he lifted away - excitedly tried to get a picture but not as good as you were!
You were right, the Monarchs need support and I learned a lot from a simple $5 butterfly weed plant 😊.
Miss you Pop.
Sincere thanks to the many wonderful people in this community who continue to share the fascination of nature with us. It’s an amazing legacy and we are grateful for your messages—and sure he is smiling with us.
His daughter, Kathy
Fay Stout20-Jun-2017 14:14
In memory of Bob Moul...
(please scroll down on the link to read)
Frank Muller 22-May-2017 20:26
Wonderful images Bob, I have had a similar fascination with nature all my life. I also do nature photography. I will be back to view your galleries to help me identify the many wildflowers that grow here in the Finger Lakes Region of New York.
Carrollyn Navarro 03-Apr-2017 22:56
Thank you so much! I love to have found someone else who believes we let too much go unnoticed and more and more as time passes us by. Sharing with my granddaughter so she will continue to see her world with wide eyed wonder, as I have.
Gerald Friesen 25-Mar-2017 19:55
spent an hour pouring over your photos. Loved them. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 24-Mar-2017 16:15
Hi Bob,
We have had a colder rainier year here in Oakland cal, So wet that the "deserts are experiencing what's called a "super bloom."" (NPR)
I read that a wet year for deserts means a large painted lady population, I wonder what it means for our other butterflies,
We raise -release Anise Swallowtails, and I haven't seen 1yet.
I have seen Monarchs, cabbage white, a small skipper, and a tiny white butterfly near ivy.
Any thoughts?
Also. We have 29 chrisalises which didn't eclose, that each weigh 1gram. I read they can diapause, but how do I know, and where to keep them?
Love your photos.
alan beaton 10-Feb-2017 10:49
Fascinated and intrigued
alan beaton 30-Jan-2017 17:09
Hello Bob,
Came across your Images and was duly impressed.
The reason for looking is that I am seeking a Red Squirrel Image to use on a Small Fridge Magnet to sell commercially. One of your Red Squirrels looks excellent. Is it available and at what cost, if any is involved?
Guest 15-Jan-2017 19:07
I found your father's site while searching for images of siskins and goldfinches. thank you so much for keeping his site active! I, too, am a nature lover and backyard bird photographer. His pictures are inspiring and his message of love for nature, beautiful! he reminds me of my own father :-) such a wonderful thing to teach your children to love nature. thank you! Judy, Philly suburbs, PA
Guest 12-Sep-2016 02:25
5 years pop. Every bird call reminds me of you. Thank you for the love of nature you recorded and gifted to all of us. We love you and miss you fiercely. May God bless your pictures as a message of peace to all. I love you, your daughter
Mary Coomer 11-Sep-2016 23:41
Thank you very much for keeping the site active. Bob’s photos are wonderful and always my first stop when trying to ID any wildlife. My thoughts are with the family on this day 9-11-16.
Bob Moul 11-Sep-2016 11:25
We miss you Pop. 9-11-11. You'd be happy to know you've had 3 million views on the site since your passing. People still write such lovely notes to you and ask for your advice. It makes me sad to tell them you're no longer with us but I know how happy you'd be when they contact you or ask to use one of your photos for a project. Through this website, this gift you gave us, we all still feel your presence. Love, Your Son
Gretchen Mendez 06-Sep-2016 19:56
My search for swallowtail information netted me a wonderful website... this one.
Guest 03-Jul-2016 16:22
Hi Bob, I am also a Nature Conservancy member and nature watcher and want to thank you for your time and efforts.

Paul, Prospect KY
Len 24-Jun-2016 22:31
Hi Bob-
Years ago I followed your great bird photos, and just today was delighted to find your dragonfly galleries Superb photos.

Me? I'm still digiscoping birds, but have found that the odes are more cooperative subjects.
Saskia Van Vactor 10-Mar-2016 21:32
Hi Mr. Moul,
My name is Saskia Van Vactor. I am an art teacher at an elementary school in Boston. Some years ago, I created a book about butterflies with children for children in Haiti. It is mostly illustrated with the children's artwork. However, some of the children also researched the different phases of the a butterflies life through photographs. They found some of your beautiful images. At the time it was an in class project, so I didin't think we needed to get permission to print the images. Just recently, someone from the school has contacted me and wants to print the book and make copies for use in Haitian schools! This is very exciting.

I could send you a copy of the document as I have it.

We would love to have your permission to use your photos.

Thank you,
Anne 18-Oct-2015 01:10
THis is wonderful! I am a beginning birder and enjoy nature photography. So happy I found this page!
Jackie Wentz 02-Sep-2015 17:15
Enjoying sharing your beautiful photos with my 3 year old granddaughter. We just found a swallowtail caterpillar and we're excited to be able to see pictures of how it will become a butterfly.
Joe T Massey 23-Aug-2015 19:02
I was looking for types of pheasant, especially ring neck.
Kylene Colon 19-Aug-2015 14:49
Beautiful photographs of flora and fauna!
Dave Kaufmann 27-Jun-2015 10:51
Thank You for This beautiful Legacy of Bob's
We are so very fortunate to share his passion .

Via Con Dios
Roxan Walden 23-Jun-2015 05:16
I have over 20 Swallowtail caterpillars in my garden and found this site while searching for more info on them. The photos are incredible. Thank you so much.
AM Tattam 15-Jun-2015 09:12
Thanks its a great site for bird identification!
Karen Frauman 24-Apr-2015 18:55
4/24/15 - I just found this web site today. Incredible! I live in SE Florida and go out for a bird walk almost every day. I also see some insects and mammals such as squirrels on my walk. I live in an animal/bird sanctuary. Will be looking at this site more often because I have "bookmarked" it. You have indeed made my bird walk more enjoyable because now I can identify some of the birds I see by looking here. Thank you. Karen Frauman
Alexander Blazhev 09-Mar-2015 07:24
Very good web site! Can you help me to identified this moth?
Moth is shoot in Bulgaria (Europe) 04 of June. Thank you!
carole palmer 15-Feb-2015 17:45
Thank you so much!!! I have just found this site and am truly grateful that it is being kept active in his memory. It is a fabulous resource, such stunning photography, and SOOO helpful to someone who is just learning to identify birds (the Dark-eyed Junco conundrum - never knew there were so many races). I can't wait to explore the other photos and info posted here. :-)
Ann Pettigrew17-Oct-2014 02:11
I think of Bob all the time and miss him a lot. He taught me so much about photographing butterflies and dragonflies.
I think it is great that you keep his PBase site going as it is a wonderful resource. He spoke of his kids often and I am sure you miss him.
Debbyann Sandison 10-Aug-2014 15:20
I just found this website and it is nice to see someone who loved Nature as much as I do!
Guest 10-Jul-2014 00:28
I wanted to take a moment from my using this site, yet again, to identify butterflies and dragonflies and so on. I found this site last year when I developed a passion for photographing our flying friends. I searched hi and low and none of the sites I tried to use were helpful. None had any easy or straight forward way to find your match. When I found this site I was so relieved! It was a breeze identifying the little creatures I had photographed! This is the only site I use and I think it is just fantastic that you all maintain it in Bob's memory. I hope that you get a lot of satisfaction and good memories knowing that people are using and enjoying the work he did. It's a wonderful tribute and I thank you for doing it!

All the best...
Susan M. Smith, Photographer
Southern Maryland, USA
john stahl 08-Jul-2014 16:28
I've been following two Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillars on our parsley plant. Lo and behold they disappeared two days ago. First I thought predators, but then I read your treatise on the stages and discovered that they may have gone off into our garden to pupate!
anita 08-Jul-2014 13:36
I am raising 9 black swallowtails in a large vase in my kitchen. Your info was very helpful and fantastic! They just formed chrysalis yesterday!
Meghan 01-Jul-2014 16:31
Great photos and interesting tidbit about robber flies, thanks!
Yvonne 28-Jun-2014 13:14
Just found your site to compare house and purple finches. Great resource, thanks for sharing your work and knowledge.
Risinghawk 28-Jun-2014 03:32
I wanted to thank this man for helping me identify some wildflowers in my yard thats had me scratching my head. I make herbal ailments and also work with essential oils and help heal without the poison of modern medicine. Im sad to read that he has passed. My heart goes out to his family and friends. I hope to use more of his photos and be able to help as many people as I can. Thank you kind sir..... Risinghawk
Keith Taylor 23-May-2014 02:29

Sorry to hear of Bob's passing. He was a great photographer. I was hoping to use the images of a Loggerhead Shrike and juvenile Cooper's Hawk of Bob's for my free online Birds of Vancouver Island made 3 years ago.

I'm thinking of having the "Birds of Vancouver Island" published in book form and if you contribute, are you willing to see the book published with no financial rewards? I am not asking for any monies from the venture and it is unlikely that the publishers will made much profit if any. The online version has had less than 3,000 hits in 15 months.

Please return this with your acceptance or rejection.

Keith Taylor
Jenny Peak 07-Apr-2014 02:25
So sorry to hear that your Dad is no longer with you. I have used this site to learn a lot about the birds I photograph. Glad to see you are keeping it in his memory. It is a great site to visit....Jenny.
Molly Taylor 03-Feb-2014 20:25
Amazing photography and website. I would like to email and ask permission to use a bird photo in a newsletter. What a tribute to leave behind...a life's passion and work of photos.
peg castorani 24-Jan-2014 17:01
Dear Family of Bob
I came upon his wonderful work through Pintrest. I am writing an article for a small magazine here in Hockessin, DE about the critical role of native plants in our suburban developments. I am looking for a photo of a bird (one that would live in DE) with a caterpillar in its' beak to feed the babies.

If I can't locate that image maybe I could arrange to use one or two of your caterpillar photos. perhaps you can tell me how to proceed.
Jill Dean 14-Nov-2013 20:27
Bob Moul was my cousin. He was known to me as Bobby. We often enjoyed playing together on my aunt and uncle's farm with many of our cousins. I deeply regret not knowing that Bobby had this wonderful interest. Which he generously, with great skill, shared with a multiude of bird friends. I wish I could have chatted with him about this great love.
Catherine 06-Oct-2013 03:58
Very nice to find your pages and pictures. Thank you for helping to identify the Swallow Tail butterfly in instar stage found in my garden.
Jeannie Reynard 22-Jul-2013 15:07
The gallery is so helpful. It is my hope that the work of Bob Moul's lifetime can continue to educate well into the future. Thank you for sharing.
Guest 21-Jul-2013 21:48

Love the Swallowtail pictures!
Paula 13-Jun-2013 02:36
Linked to the black swallowtail page from my blog, sad to see that Mr. Moul passed away. Thank you to whoever is keeping this site alive with all the wonderful photography.
Robert Lord Zimlich 04-Jun-2013 13:22
I was wondering why Bob hasn't posted anything on BugGuide in quite a while. I had once told Bob that, before I discovered BugGuide, I used to use his site for ID's. I will miss him. What a legacy he has left us.

“Now cracks a noble heart. Good-night, sweet prince;
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. ”
Colomba Fuller 01-May-2013 14:47
My condolences to the family.
As Artistic director of Canada Blooms, , I have to choose an image for our festival every year.
With this year's theme, WILD!, I am looking for a wild flower, and came across the trillium (Ontario's flower). We need a very high resolution and was wondering if this is possible. I would also need to know the price to purchase. Thank you
Teresa Moul 27-Feb-2013 14:06
hi enjoyed your photographs. i am from the isle of wight UK my last name is MOUL, i wonder if we are related in any way, if you know any past history it would be great to hear.
Ken 23-Feb-2013 18:08
Hey Bob! Small world. I was researching bird photo samples taken with the Canon 300mm 4.0 IS, and found a shot you took at Lake Marburg. I live 5 minutes from the Lake in South Hanover. A lot of my work is taken there. Your work speaks for itself. Congrats on an amazing array of photos. My link is . I'm curious, have you used a 1.4x with your 300mm 4.0? I really want I.S., but will miss the detail of the 400mm 5.6L.
Doug Gross 20-Feb-2013 17:31
When I look across the fields near our home and watch harriers or short-eared owls gliding over the landscape, I think of Bob Moul who did so much to promote these open country raptors through his beautiful photography.
I am grateful that his images are still available to enjoy.
sallye wood 29-Jan-2013 17:15
thanks for the explainations and photos on how to tell the difference between species.
Kay Knight 09-Jan-2013 16:32
I accidentally found this exquisite web site while I was looking for dragon & damsel fly pictures in preparation for interviewing a job candidate here at college. These magnificent pictures give all viewers magic moments of connecting to something beautiful in nature. I hope this site will be maintained for many years to come. Bob's gifts have so much to give!
Kay Knight, Oberlin College
Judith Getz Buzzell 27-Nov-2012 16:56
I'd like permission to send someone photos of a pair of redheaded woodpeckers who have been at our feeders since 2009. One of them has a very clear double necklace, the other also has 2 but somewhat different. I can't find photos of others with this. I am an artist and like to paint the birds at my feeders. I recently met another artist who has painted for Audabon and USPS stamps and she had not seen this so I'm wondering if it is rare or unusual. They are magnificent birds.
Thank you for any help you can give me.
Judy Buzzell
Vern Hibbard 10-Oct-2012 15:22
Very nice photography Bob. We live in "northern Ontario", Iron Bridge which is about 400 miles from the Carolinian forests that we have along the shores of Lake Erie. This is where the Red-bellied lives in Ontario. Two years ago, we had one here all winter long and just this morning (October 10,2012) I saw another male. I'm hoping, along with my wife, that this time he beought a mate!! I've NEVER seen a female. I just read the comments below. I too, am sad to read that Bob's gone.
Dan Watley 20-Sep-2012 12:34
Hi, Bob: You knocked my socks off with your photography, esp. the sequence showing the Black Swallowtail evolution from larva to adult. Stunning, inspirational! I'm retired, a Master Gardener here in Montgomery Co., MD, and soon to start training in an Audubon Naturalist Society program designed to follow the same educational mission as the Master Gardeners, i.e., instill an appreciation of nature in citizens and promote the necessity of eco-awareness in this audience. Stellar visual information such as your photography certain provides inspiration. I'm slowly transitioning from film-era to digital photography, which photographic experience lay dormant for a few years, but now, with more time at my disposal, I can indulge my interests, esepecially photography of insects...there's a whole new, wide world when one is down on one's knees gardening (and photographingI). Thanks for the excellent work you do. Best regards and keep in touch.
CLAUDE 23-Jul-2012 21:36
yvonnsil09-Jul-2012 22:03
I recently discovered Bob's wonderful photography when researching a book Scholastic Education is developing for phonics classroom library. I had hoped license three of his caterpillar images for young children to view and learn. Is his family handling his photography? It would be an honor!
Yvonne Silver
Patty Barr 27-May-2012 16:00
This is my first visit to this site. I love it! I see I am to late to thank the photographer but I hope he is somewhere smiling at the appreciation he so deserves.
Matt Orsie 18-Apr-2012 22:08
Rest in Peace Bob. I loved admiring your photos and willingness to turn others on to the beauty of nature.
larose forest photos16-Apr-2012 01:11
I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. I had no idea that Bob had passed away. I learned a lot from viewing his magnificent photos and it saddens me greatly to know that he will no longer be doing what he loved best.
Ashley Hockenberry16-Apr-2012 00:14
My condolences to Bob's family
Bob was a mentor to me in my early days of photography and unselfishly spent time to answer many questions - Thanks Bob and God bless

Ashley Hockenberry
Toronto, Ontario
Guest 04-Feb-2012 05:55
Bob, I was so saddened to read about your passing. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me and so many others through your love for photography, your kindness, and your willingness to always help others! I'm so grateful that we connected here on PBase back before I deleted my other account. Your legacy will live on. ♥ :)
Guest 03-Nov-2011 15:28
From a fellow bird pixer, you will be greatly missed. I have enjoyed Bob's photos over the years.
Carol L. Edwards 02-Nov-2011 15:45
So truly sorry to hear the sad news of Bob's passing. A wonderful caring person, an amazing nature photographer and an inspiration always. His beautiful photos will live on forever.
Ginny Alfano 17-Oct-2011 00:26
I am so deeply saddened to hear of Bob's passing. He was such a valued member of our little Yahoo photography group. Even though most of us had never met him, we all thought of him as a friend. He will be greatly missed.
Yvonne Merriam17-Oct-2011 00:20

The above link is to the Guestbook at Bob's obituary site. I have taken it out of archives and kept it alive online for posterity. Please visit and write your own memories of this special man for his other friends and family to read and know how much he'll be missed and by so many.
Vonnie Merriam
Cindy Mead16-Oct-2011 20:25
apologies for typing so quickly.. keeping Bob's family and loved ones in good thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time. And thank you for keeping Bob's beautiful website up for us all to enjoy.. his legacy lives on via his photography. Bless you all.
Cindy Mead16-Oct-2011 19:44
My heart is so very heavy today. Bob, you were not only a wonderful photographer but you were a beautiful human being. I will miss you more than words can say, my dear friend. Your love of nature will live on through your photos, but I will miss your keen sense of humor and your big heart. RIP Bob, I will always feel honored to have called you my friend.
Carol Horner16-Oct-2011 17:21
Rest in peace Bob. You will be missed by many.
Naomi 16-Oct-2011 13:33
Bob will be sorely missed my those whose lives he has touched with his amazing photography and knowledge.
Naomi Smith
Yvonne Merriam16-Oct-2011 02:28
I'm so saddened to hear of Bob's passing. I was away at the time and missed this tragic news. I love you, my friend and will see you in heaven.
Guest 14-Oct-2011 16:03
Sorry to hear about Bob Moul's passing. May he rest in peace. I've just viewed his lovely gallery of nature beautifully captured. Will miss his photos.
Tuan Omany 07-Oct-2011 21:21
Thank you so much for your outstanding and educational information on life cycle of a butterfly.
Wendy South 27-Sep-2011 00:37
To the family of Bob Moul:
Thank you for including Mr. Moul's website address in the newspaper obituary. Although I was not familiar with the site while he still continued his amazing work, I have seen some of the published photos in the nature genre publications. Now I will forever be able to put a face and history with the photos. Bob Moul was a gift to us and the creatures he studied. Thanks for the gift of his website to the now enlightened.
DJ Lang 19-Sep-2011 20:08
This is the Best Nature Website ever and Bob's Photo's are so wonderful . I only recently found him and am so saddened to hear he passed away. I am new to Photographing Dragonflies & Damselflies and it is very hard to identify each one. Bob's website helped tremendously. I too hope they keep this site up. If not I know the online feild museums that would truely benefit from his extensive photo's.
sterling showers 13-Sep-2011 23:17
i knew bob when we were kids growing up together, had not seen him for many years, sorry to hear of the lost. stereling
Guest 13-Sep-2011 23:14
Bob's love of his friends and nature will never be forgotten. I grieves me to hear of our loss. He was my mentor and dear friend. We spend about two weeks together in October of 2006 at Codorus State Park photographing a visiting Hudsonian Godwit. He told me he couldn't stay away from the place as long as that bird was there. He was an expert bird photographer when I met him then and his accomplishments since then are unmatched.
Guest 13-Sep-2011 19:23
I'm very sad to report that Bob Moul passed away on Sunday, September 11, 2011. I had the pleasure of birding and photographing with him on a few occasions and he will be missed by not only family and friends, but all those who have viewed his wonderful nature photographs. I hope this site continues to be available as a tribute to Bob's talent and love of nature.
Paul 13-Sep-2011 17:16
So sorry to hear about Bob's passing...wonderful pictures will be missed.
Sami 13-Sep-2011 04:40
Your photos are absolutely beautiful Mr. Moul and you and your wonderful work will be missed greatly. May you rest in God's glorious Kingdom always. My thoughts and prayers are with your precious family in their time of need.
Love Cheryl 10-Sep-2011 00:40
To my favorit Uncle Bob,you did a lot of amazeing photos.But then you are one of a kind;loving,thoughtful,helpful,fun loving uncle. I always love being your niece. God be with you always.
Deanna Ward 31-Aug-2011 12:26
Really enjoyed the BST page! Taking my first try at a cat house and thus far have 8 that have chrysalized. Really looking forward to seeing them emerge - hoping they have not eclosed too late in the year to see them this year!
Christy 28-Aug-2011 21:38
I have always grown dill, and now fennel, as food plants for the Black Swallowtail. I have loads of them! The camera I currently have cannot take good macro/closeup shots. By the time I get a good one, it will be too late ( NOV) to get shots of the eggs,caterpillars this year. But I have of course, loads of chrysalis. Question though, since it is late August here in Illinois, do these need to over winter, or will these emerge and fly south for the winter like monarchs do?
Juanell Seitter 24-Aug-2011 12:57
I just viewed your black swallowtail metamorphasis sequences! How wonderful they are. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and God's handiwork.
Lisa Manne 23-Aug-2011 01:14
What beautiful moth photos, and what a fantastic and helpful resource.
Sue Loft 19-Aug-2011 02:17
Thanks so much for your pictures and info on the black swallowtails. I had 2 beautiful caterpillars on my parsley plant and today only one. They pot is close to lots of other bushes and shrubs. I just wish I could be a quiet observor. Next year I plant rue.....
Sarah DuVal 16-Aug-2011 23:43
Bob, your website is wonderful. I noticed on the dragonfly page comments that a number of people had seen a dragonfly with "rudder-like" markings on the wings and a bluish-white body and wished they had a photo. We see those here in south central Kentucky quite frequently and my husband got a fairly good pic of one this evening. (They light on the ground and are quite skittish). If you'll email me, I'll send the photo to you and send a better one as soon as we get it.
Michelle Sefton 02-Aug-2011 16:33
We recently put in a garden and discovered our parsley is infested with Black Swallowtail caterpillars! We have one chrysalis on a parsley stalk, and one in a tank that we collected and are watching. How long do they stay in the chrysalis before they turn into a butterfly?
Carol Schmitz 31-Jul-2011 23:18
Found you as I googled for Black Swallowtails which are emerging in some numbers in my garden today! And to see you love Dragonflies and birds as well.... I'll be back to enjoy more - and share with my nature-loving friends. Thanks for the stunning pix and great info!
Tammy Olsen 29-Jun-2011 19:15
Wonderful and amazing pictures!
Robert Frear 28-Jun-2011 02:17
We are enjoying a new found patch of squash-berries (aka- high bush cranberry)in bloom behind our house a ways in central British Colombia. There, we noticed a tiny white flower as well that we didn't the name of;- hence a quest for the name online, where we stumbled on your site. Although we couldn't find that particular flower, we much enjoyed moseying around...
Arthur Thompson 16-Jun-2011 00:46
Bob, I have a picture of a Black Dragonfly that has a neon blue club shaped tail. When in flight the wings have a neon blue shpped pattern on the wings. I have never seen these before and can't find anything like them on the net. I can email you a copy if you give me your email address. Best Regards. Art
Guest 14-Jun-2011 22:03
Hi I just found you on BAMONA. I was downloading some of my butterfly photos and called up some species photos as a reference and there you were. I was reviewing the checklist for my home county and clicked on one of the species listed and brought up the photo with your name. I was curious who you were and taking pictures in my home county. Well, I sorted out that bit of confusion and went and visited your pbase site and have made a very brief scan of your birds of prey, WOW, if you ever have a desire to view bald eagles or white pelicans give me a holler.
effildIncitle 11-Jun-2011 12:30
I just book marked your blog on Digg and StumbleUpon.I enjoy reading your commentaries.
Audrey T 08-Jun-2011 21:33
Came acroos your site while on YOu have some beautiful images!!!
Chris 20-Apr-2011 11:12
Just happened on your website while looking at Anhinga and cormorant pix. Very nice, Bob!
I too am a lover of all things in the natural world. Dabbling in photography now too.
Christine Deno
larose forest photos31-Mar-2011 19:09
Excellent set of galleries, particularly your moth photos (though all your galleries are marvelous). I've seen your name on other sites as well.
Cheers, Christine
Joyce 08-Mar-2011 23:27
Hi, I would love to use some of your photos for reference for painting. My website is Can I use them? What do you charge for that?I would love to enter the duckstamp contest and your photos are super! Thanks, Joyce
Hilkey's Outdoor Images08-Feb-2011 16:30
Hi, Bob,
Your images are amazing, as always! Hope you are doing well.
John patton 19-Dec-2010 15:53
Wow! Great photos, helped identify the pileated woodpecker in the back yard.
J Thurmond 30-Oct-2010 01:57

I love the asiatic dayflower and wanted to know if there is someway you can purchase any of these flowers are can they be replanted from someone else yard. My best friend has them growing in her yard and I would love to plant in mine.What time of the year are they most aboundant,thanks for any info.
AllanTrently 29-Oct-2010 21:51
I thought you may be interested in a possibly viceroy X red-spotted purple hybrid that I photographed in Tennessee. I used your photos of a hybrid to match what I have. Thanks for posting those photo. My photo is not of good quality and the butterfly is a bit worn but I think you can say that it is an atypical red-spotted purple. I would love to know what you think. Thanks very much.

Steve 29-Oct-2010 05:48
Wonderful photos. I was wondering if you had high resolution copies avalible.
Meredith 19-Oct-2010 23:39
Thanks for your beautiful photos- I was browsing your caterpillars and was able to identify one I saw yesterday: a black swallowtail. What a gorgeous caterpillar!
Guest 09-Oct-2010 14:11
Great work, Bob. I really enjoyed browsing your butterfly and moth galleries.
akestrel 04-Oct-2010 18:04
I really enjoy viewing all of your beautiful photos - they are fantastic!
Violet Stailey 29-Sep-2010 18:18
Bob ,these are the best pictures I have seen. They will be most helpful for ID. I am a master gardener in York Co. Pa and give butterfly talks to the public. I may be asking for your help!! I take lots of pictures but I wish I had a lens like you surely have!
I wish I had known about this site before as it is really wonderful. Thanks so much.
mike-one17-Sep-2010 13:26
what an inspirational labor of love! breath taking photos. I'll be back time and again for sure. from Mesquite, Texas i say a big THANKS to you Bob!
lries13-Sep-2010 04:58

I often see your fantastic photos on the Butterflies and Moths of North America website. I am applying for a fellowship to enhance the butterfly pages on the Encyclopedia of Life ( and I was wondering if you would be willing to give me permission to download your photos (I don't need high res) and bring them into a database and import them onto the site. In addition to retaining your copyright tag on the actual photo, each time the photo is shown it would identify you as a data partner and give a link to your website.

Sorry to contact your through your guestbook - I couldn't seem to find your email address. If you have questions or want further info - please contact me at


Marsha 09-Sep-2010 13:38

My daughter found a black swallowtail caterpillar and took it to her classroom to hopefully watch the metamorphasis into a butterfy. It has now transformed into the pupa stage. My question for you is this----do they do anything with the "food" that they had put in the jar or should they just leave it in there? Is it okay to move---is there a website that shows information on how to "raise" it through the 8 months that it is in pupa form???? Please help anyone.

Thank you, Marsha
Jenn M. 03-Sep-2010 17:59
Your photos are beautiful! I have thoroughly enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing your work!!
Frances 29-Aug-2010 22:05
Thanks for all this good info, it took me back to childhood learning all about the pupa stage etc. Have a few on my parsley plan, sadly one emerged this morning, but appears to have a wing problem, one is ok, the other doesn't look developed and open, does this happen often? Anyway great info. (black swallowtail)
Lo Butterfield 23-Aug-2010 11:59
Great site!! Your passion for nature shows in your awesome photography.
Susan K. 22-Aug-2010 00:54
I love your site! I have just recently started taking amateur pics of dragonflies and damsels (for fun) , and am amazed at your work. It's not easy getting those teensy little guys in focus!
Thank you for sharing your work, it's incredible!
Wendy N. 18-Aug-2010 20:57
I mis-typed - the caterpiller is now in the cacoon stage. Can I remove it to watch it indoors?
Oh, also, your photos are truly beautiful!
Wendy N. 18-Aug-2010 19:14
Mr. Moul: I have been watching Black Swallowtail caterpillars feed and grow near my house's foundation. Today I found one caterpillar attaching to a white drain pipe. Should I leave the pupae there or can I detatch it to bring inside (in a safe glass environment) to watch it change? And, how long should it's metamorphisis take?
LC 18-Aug-2010 00:44
Wonderful photo of red-tailed hawk. Glad I found this site. I have linked to the red-tailed hawk photo from a mention in my blog of your beautiful photo.
Guest 02-Aug-2010 17:36
Your red-headed woodpecker photos are excellent!
Irene Messina 08-Jul-2010 16:53
Totally Awesome Photography. I was a pleasure finding your site. I plan to use it in helping identify butterflies in my garden as well as taking a nature stroll through your pictures.
Kris Light 25-Jun-2010 22:53
Bob, I've recently become interested in moth photography and ID, but they are so difficult! Your site has been very helpful! Thanks for your great work and for sharing it with others!
David G16-May-2010 22:39
Very much enjoyed your beautiful gallery, Bob.

I don't know if i can trouble you with a moth identification question? ...I have a simple moth on my site here:
that's in need of a title. Do you happen to know what it is?

thanks much again for the nice gallery,
Guest 13-May-2010 13:13
Bob, These pics are very beautiful! Please keep up the good work.
Guest 30-Apr-2010 15:31
Terrific site, Bob. I enjoy every aspect: the organization, structure of the coding, beautiful photos. Do you write your own code?
Guest 23-Apr-2010 22:01
Really nice site, and I am sure anyone who visits will enjoy. Keep up the good work! Wondering where you took the shots of the Eagle for your profile? I will have to visit your site again. JeffeeArt4u
Doug 09-Apr-2010 15:21
Bob I enjoy every Picture on your web page. Keep showing us the birds of the wild..
Laurie Watson 05-Feb-2010 01:49
Hi Bob,
Truly outstanding collection of photographs. I read one comment that indicated you use mostly a 300 F4. Perhaps you can give me some guidance here. I want to move up from the 100-400 IS lens and am debating the merits of a 300 F4 or 2.8, the 400 F5.6 or the 400 DO. Any guidance you can offer would be very helpful, particularly for birds in flight and stationary. Many thanks.
Steve Dale 27-Dec-2009 02:13
Your expertise in capturing such a comprehensive array of wildlife and nature subjects is most impressive. I'll be visiting often!
Marcia 15-Dec-2009 15:57
Fantastic narrative and photos! Thank you.
Robert D. McAlpine19-Nov-2009 02:39
I have just, by chance, come across your wonderful website. I am looking forward to seeing more of it as I return again and again to explore. Your photographs are impressive and your organization is both logical and informative.

Congratulations on your most important work.

Bob McAlpine
Pat S. 22-Oct-2009 21:43
Wonderful, informative web site that I am going to share with my granddaughters. This
summer they raided my parsley patch and I helped them make a habitat for several cats. They were thrilled to have two butterflies emerge. It is late October and I brought the only remaining cat inside to my own created habitat, but the cat is not eating. Is it in diapause? Is there anything I should do for it?
Cheryl L Guffey 22-Oct-2009 16:32
Beautiful photography of my childhood favorite, the Red-Headed Woodpecker! Thankyou for sharing them. I started to think about where had all the red-headed woodpecker's gone, and it led me here. Thankyou for your gift. I too am a photographer here in Tennessee and I have seen maybe a couple of them in our yard in the past 2 years, but growing up near a large wooded area in south central Minnesota, I saw them regularly. God bless your work!
Cheryl L Guffey Tennessee
PS Let me know your email address, as I would like to purchase some of them. C
Guest 15-Sep-2009 18:18
Hi Bob. Thank you for your beautiful photos and info. My 4 year old daughter found a black swallow tail caterpillar... we are hooked!I am looking for your e-mail address to contact you. I would love to purchase the series of photos, egg through butterfly for her preschool (we are all hooked). Can you tell me the price?
Valerie (Ilinois) 15-Sep-2009 02:55
Your site is beautifuly done and your sharing of teh photosis exceptionally generous. I especially enjoyed the Black Swallowtail instars; they're very useful in determining whether a particular caterpillar I saw on a Queen Anne's Lace was a Black Swallowtail or not. Turns out it wasn't. Are you aware of any caterpillars that like to rest in "closed up" (i.e., post-bloom) Queen Anne's Lace flowers?

Thank you again for the photos.
Guest 12-Sep-2009 00:08
WOW Dad! I just showed David your "Life Cycle of the Monarch" and he too, was in awe. You're a great photographer and your passion for the wonders of nature is inspiring! Thanks for sharing! Love you!
Reygaerdts Louis 04-Sep-2009 15:50
Hello Bob !
You have a wonderful site !
I just find this on the web and I am very surprised . Thanks for you site and congratulations , great work !
L.Reygaerdts- Namur - Belgium.
Patrick Goossens01-Sep-2009 14:42
Hi Bob, I love your dragonfly and damselfly galleries. You obviously spent a lot of time on these marvels of nature. Odonata are also my passion. Will check regularly.
Guest 28-Aug-2009 21:12
Wow, Bob! Your photos are fabulous, your narratives and observations cogent, and guest comments quite informative. You're bookmarked! Wishing you all the best...
Harpers Ferry WV
Guest 27-Aug-2009 17:23
I ran across your site while searching to identify caterpillars, and found I was raising Monarch butterflies in my backyard. Thanks for your site, it is fascinating and well done.
Waverly, Ohio
Gillian21-Aug-2009 20:43
Hi Bob,
I came across your site while looking for dragonfly images to try and ID an emerald I found recently. Though I haven't identified my dragon yet, I was amazed by the quality of the photos on your site and browsed through many of your galleries. Your photos are not only beautiful but inspiring as well...they make me want to run outside with my camera and capture some of the beauty here in my little corner of the world (Ottawa, Canada). Keep up the excellent work, and continue to inspire others to observe and appreciate nature!
Regards, Gillian
Guest 26-Jul-2009 17:56
Hey Bob,
Your photographs are great. Thanks for all the information.
kate06-Jun-2009 22:27
I love your dragonfly wing photographs. Could I purchase some of them or download?
My email address is
Thank you. Kate Thompson
Andrea Cowart 24-May-2009 01:21
Andrea Cowart: I used your photos to identify a moth I had on my french doors this morning after going out and taking nature pictures of my own. It was the Confused Eusarca Moth. Thank you very much for the info. Please feel free to visit both of my websites so I can share with you and others the wonders of nature in my area of Tennessee: &

Thanks, again!
Alison17-May-2009 14:39
Hi Bob,
Wonderful photos thank you so much for sharing them. I collect old nature books (as well as new and love the images and style of them) I live in Manchester, England, but despite being in a city, I get lots of opportunities to explore nature as I live near the Mersey and there is there is a lot of open countryside very nearby. One of my son's uses his photos of natural scenes as inspiration for the background to his animations. All the best, Alison
Guest 14-May-2009 03:53
Hi Bob,
I have been admiring your nature photos. Great pictures! I shoot mainly animals and landscapes. I visit the San Diego Wild Animal Park at least once a month. I agree totally with your views. I fear before long, many of the wonderful animals we have enjoyed during our lifetime will be lost to all the future generations. A sad thought to be sure. Pictures are the last salvation for these wonderful creatures.

Keep up your work, its important.


Ron Conero
Ray P. 28-Feb-2009 13:14
Used your photo gallery to identify a small group of White-winged Crossbills that visited my back yard in Luzerne County,Pa.(Feb.2009). Thanks for the help.
Jerry Lotterhos 08-Feb-2009 00:22
Hey BOb--Just met you briefly at Mattamuskeet. Thanks for sharing and helping a true novice--Your gallaries will be an inspiration and a challenge!! Best wishes!!
chriswhitehead0724-Jan-2009 00:39
Hi Bob you have some wonderful gallery's .the quality of your pictures is outstanding congratulations . I'm not surprised you had so many visitors .I love your bald eagle on your profile page .I was able to photograph one last year and posted them a few hours ago what a truly magnificent bird it is . thank you for posting, regards Chris
Marc Vermeulen09-Jan-2009 00:47
Best wishes to you and to yours at 2009!
And thanks that you visit my site regulary.
Ananth 31-Dec-2008 10:20
Hello Bob, nice galleries and some really beautiful beasts! My wife and I started 'birding' fairly recently, though we have always been nature lovers. In fact, tomorrow, 1 Jan, we are driving into your part of the woods, and are hoping to see the owls at the Arentz farm.

We trust you had a nice Christmas holiday.

A Happy New Year to you.

Usha & Ananth, Hamilton, Ontario
Tina H. 27-Dec-2008 17:06
Hi Bob,
I was just outside with my dog, and there is a giant leopard moth on the cement, just below the siding on our house.
It is Dec.27th. and a very nice day here in Erie. Is it confused? There is no plant life that I can see for it to be able to eat.
Was it under the siding in hibernation? I know nothing about them, but I would hate to see it die.
Will you please send me an answer to the best of your knowledge?

Thanks, Tina
Guest 26-Dec-2008 09:11
Hi Bob,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Debi 13-Dec-2008 23:05
Awesome photos! What kind of lense do you use to capture those insect closeups?
ian 05-Nov-2008 07:07
wow , i havew just looked at your pictures , that cracling goose , i need more information is it the canadian goose lesser ?
enjoyed your work thankyou
ian smith
Philip Crow 04-Nov-2008 11:59
Guest 11-Oct-2008 00:17
Hi Bob, you've got some inspiring images, great gallery!
Guest 10-Oct-2008 21:25
Nice Gallerys
MamaDuck 21-Sep-2008 23:26
Hi Bob, Thank you for your wonderful site. I'm just beginning to appreciate how little I know about the natural world, and your photographs are a real treat for a townie like me. I've linked to your site from a blog post about a brief sojourn on an organic smallholding. Again, many thanks. I shall keep coming back.
Tom Payne12-Sep-2008 01:17
I added you to my favorites, and must say I am very impressed with your skill. It is hard to imagine the amount of time and effort that has gone into your very beautiful galleries. I enjoyed them very much.
Linda Laferriere 08-Sep-2008 15:20
My students and I were in awe of you black swallowtail photos. We are currently raising this type of butterfly and are creating a life cycle wheel based on what we've observed. We are using many photos that we took for this project but would love to use a few of yours. How do we go about getting your permission to do this? Thank you.
gk77uk 27-Aug-2008 20:53
hi bob,my name is gary and i live in england,today i found a caterpiller in my garden that i have never seen before,i have spent hours trying to find a picture of it on the internet.I was wondering if you had a email adress that i could send you the photos i have taken and maybe you would be able to tell me what it is.It is very furry,yellow with red and yellow furry olso has about 12 teardrop markings down its spine..the outer is black and the inner white,i would be grateful for any help...thanks...gary.
April 18-Aug-2008 17:24
Hi Bob, Thank you so much! I observed some caterpillars nesting in my hollyhocks and wanted to know what butterfly they would turn into. One click on your site told me everything! I'll be back many more times as I have planted 4 gardens for butterflies, hummingbirds, bumblebees and other nature to enjoy. I'm also keeping a photo journal of my backyard -- nothing like yours. Thank you again.
Claire 14-Aug-2008 15:56
Your web-site is awesome to view and extremely well done. I found it while "googling" swallowtail life cycle". I am currently keeping my 2nd batch of Black Swallowtail caterpillars in Parsley (which sadly is about to run out), as I recover from back surgery. Never imagined it could be so fascinating. Have friends calling everyday for caterpillar updates. Have one in each of the pre-pupa stages at the moment and have 5 that left the Parsley about a week ago. Am hoping they have found a safe place in/ on a twig to build their chrysalis's. I live in Omaha, NE and have had an over abundance of Yellow Swallowtails and only a very few Blacks, so imagine my surprise when I discovered who's caterpillars I have been nurturing. Next year will be planting lots of Parsley and Fennel to, hopefully, help future generations along.
Aditi 10-Aug-2008 03:03
Hi Bob! You have a truly amazing gallery! I enjoyed your photos, and I am surely going to return again and again. It is very helpful in identifying birds as well (that is how I came across your page). Great work. thanks for sharing. :)
Guest 16-Jul-2008 17:55
Hi Bob, I am enjoying your work in so many places online.
Davidjohn12-Jul-2008 07:02
Much enjoyed. Thanks!
Guest 29-Jun-2008 12:30
Keep up the excellent work. I've bookmarked your site and will use it as a reference. Your infinite patience shows in the quality of your work. Link Davis, Schwenksville, PA
Awe-struck 10-Jun-2008 10:59
Your "bio" is very similar to mine. I have just taken up serious nature (mostly bird) photography in my retirement, now that I have time and money for equipment. I share your mission, and daily thank God for evolution. I have always been fascinated by dragonflies and have used your site to identify those whose image I have successfully captured. I would love to learn what lens(s) you use for your dragonflies and butterflies. You can find my images at My thanks and best wishes. Glen Fox (Awe-struck), Ottawa, Canada
Guest 26-May-2008 14:41
Hi Mr. Bob. My dad and I just met you this morning on the Codorus Trail. We really enjoyed meeting you! Your pictures are great! We hope that you have a nice rest of your weekend. Madison Scull
Dan the Man20-May-2008 00:34
Great Work my fiend! I realy enjoy visiting your galeries...I will have to come back because there is so many little jewels in threr!!! Thank you for sharing your passion with us!!
Jean-Claude Liehn03-May-2008 03:54
You did a facinating work ! A great tribute to Nature. Thanks a lot.
Patricia 20-Mar-2008 00:37
Bob! I can only sit and salivate over your great images.I have been doing photography for years and now I have even greater photos to TRY and emulate.Thanks.Thanks!
Katie Ombalski 03-Mar-2008 19:29
Hi Bob,
I'm working on some interpretive panels for a riparian restoration project that we did at a golf course and I was wondering if I could ask you for some help? I was trying to find a few high-quality photographs of Centre County, PA native dragonflies. Do you have any photographs of Centre County natives (or close by) that would inhabit small streams? If so, would you be willing to share a few of them for the panels? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Katie of ClearWater Conservancy
Dan Nihiser02-Mar-2008 20:39
Bob, I was blown away by your galleries, especially your owl images. My wife and I are fledgeling photographers with most of our efforts geared towards all kinds of birds. We have observed owls in the wild but never close enough to get an image worthy of P-base display. I will continue to re-visit your galleries. Thanks for the enjoyment and the ideas.
rita s. adkins 15-Feb-2008 15:56
Amazing nature photo's I love them all,great macros.
O.D.Lehman 11-Feb-2008 02:11
great work I do bird and nature photography in Va. Just got a pic of a Painted Bunting in Va
marci williams 08-Feb-2008 23:25
love the pictures of the red headed woodpecker I saw one for the first time on our farm in kittanning Pa this morning. I didn't know they were even in this area. Your photos are beautiful
jerome courtois 01-Feb-2008 03:35
what amazing pictures, thank you very much. i think i have named some of the birds at our feeding station.
joe elias 28-Jan-2008 23:11
enjoyed your site very much. very insperational. joe
Ted Busby23-Jan-2008 00:55
Fabulous imagery Bob..Love your galleries.
I'd be interested in knowing how you developed your banners..Very Nice!
Barb Sebring 13-Jan-2008 16:44
Please come to The Allegany Nature Pilgrimage - it's all about THIS for 3 days!
thesearenevereasy10-Jan-2008 09:29
Your Photos are truely amazing, breath-taking, the crispness and the detail is stunning. You are truly a gifted and talented photographer, a pleasure to be able to see your photos and for you to share them with us all.
Kiri Tristram - New Zealand
Jeff Germo01-Jan-2008 10:06
Thanks for commenting on my harrier & eagle photos, Bob. You have some excellent shots. I must say that your comments carry a lot of weight after seeing your superb galleries.

Happy New Year!
Howie Pease 14-Dec-2007 02:17
Before sending this comment, I scanned the vast number of comments you have received on your site. It must be gratifying to see all of those you have reached with your clear / "capturing the moment" photos of all subjects (particularly the birds). Don't stop "being candid".
Janet H.Austin 30-Nov-2007 20:16
Such a wonderful array of beautiful photos!They are invaluable to aid us viewers in identifying all kinds of wildlife.It's also refreshing to know he hasn't seen and identified every bird.I've seen a couple of birds that look like the unknown one-but never identified it.It's a treat that he sends them to you for our interest and pleasure.
Paul H Karner 28-Nov-2007 21:30
Hi Bob, Great pictures. I'll visit more often.
I'm a Federal Bird Bander from Northampton County PA. Visit my web site

Guest 24-Nov-2007 20:22
Great Gallery
Guest 21-Nov-2007 19:59
Wery nice shots in your galleries - good work!
Wayne Houck 04-Nov-2007 19:08
Only one word can describe all this. WOW!! Very professional. You have brought new life to God's creations. Your pictures are so real, I swear I saw some of them actually move. Thanks Bob

Jean-Claude Liehn06-Oct-2007 03:18
You work is a great tribute to Nature and biodiversity. Here meet document and art, the essence of photography. Congratulations.
Guest 18-Aug-2007 05:04
Keep up the great work. I really enjoyed spending some time in your galleries. Your macro work is fantastic.

Vivian Beks28-Jul-2007 08:19
Great owl photos Bob!! I've got a long-eared owl gallery, and it brought me so much pleasure observing this bird, especially when they have young, like your owl and mine too. Greetz, Vivian
Didier Vanderperre23-Jul-2007 01:39
Very impressive work.
Vivian Beks21-Jul-2007 17:07
Hello Bob, i'm new to pbase but we have one thing in common.....the love for nature!! I love being outdoors and photography is my passion, if i have a chance i'm out there with my camera. I love your photos, you're very talented!!! If you have some time, i hope you'll have a look at my galleries, and send me a comment. Greetz, Vivian
Guest 14-Jul-2007 14:39
Very nice gallery
Rosemarie Kusserow07-Jul-2007 08:08
Thanks Bob for your very kind comment on my flower gallery, I´m glad you liked my shots, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 20-Jun-2007 07:00
One world. Stunning.
Guest 18-Jun-2007 01:12
Hi Bob, You have truly amazing bird, butterly and nature shots. Stunning in both how extensive your collection is as well as beauty and closeness of the pics. I'm in awe.
Gus Rosenfeld04-Jun-2007 00:29
Bob - you are to be commended for your service to Mother Nature. You intertwine art and academics with the illusion that it is effortless. A truly decent and magical art. Best and regards - g
LC Goh01-Jun-2007 04:25
awesome galleries.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 22:41
Nice Gallery
Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:06
Your photos have reignited my passion for photography. Thank you!
Ashley Hockenberry02-Mar-2007 15:55

You have probably the most extensive bird collection on Pbase...if you are not a bird expert by now, you soon will be. Great work!
yoram shpirer23-Feb-2007 14:07
Hi Bob
I'm glad I came across your galleries; you have some superb Birds shots. Definitely added to my favorites list!
John Beck10-Feb-2007 15:16
I can see I'll have to spend some time in your galleries to get some pointers on bird photography. Outstanding work.
Gilles Aubin05-Feb-2007 03:16
Merci Bob d'avoir visiter ma galerie,félicitations pour ta galerie également qui t'as demandé un travail énorme et une belle variété de photos.
Guest 31-Jan-2007 18:54
Bob, your work is truly amazing! You capture some of nature's finest. Keep up the great work!
Guest 12-Jan-2007 21:39
nice Gallery
Ken Owen03-Jan-2007 00:21
Just stopping back in. Lot's of great shots since my last visit. You've been busy! Keep up the great work. Ken
Martin Wenzel13-Dec-2006 19:37
Thanks for the kind comments, Bob. I am in awe of your work - top shelf all the way! Take care, Marty.
Janet H.Austin 05-Dec-2006 20:25
Bob,your barred owl photos are spectacular.(so what else is new?)It's thrilling to me to see such glorious views.I'm not a little envious!
Alma Currie 05-Dec-2006 12:17
Such a wonderful place to spend some quality time. Thanks for beening here Bob.
marry dikko 02-Dec-2006 13:44
i am marry dikko looking nice
Guest 25-Nov-2006 16:36
Excellent Photos... And Galleries..
Guest 19-Nov-2006 09:27
Wow. I'm blown away by the quality/beauty of your bird photos. Thanks for making my day-- will return!
Erik Frebold
Elton Scifres06-Nov-2006 01:36
Thanks for your kind comments on my site. I am particularly flattered after seeing the quality of your work. I am thinking about getting the 300 F4 lens and your shots have convinced me that this lens is quite good in the hands of someone who knows how to use it. I enjoyed looking at your shots.
Oscar Bupp 31-Oct-2006 02:45
Absolutely outstanding. Showed it to my wife and we will be making many visits.

Thanks for the introduction to your hobby.

Oscar Bupp
Mark Niessner20-Oct-2006 12:28

Based on our conversations and looking at the comments left for you I know there can be no question you know what people think of your photos but I just wanted to let you know that the work you put into the website design is well worth it. I refer to your site often and the information is great and the page layouts makes it a pleasure to navigate.

Thanks Mark
lebororo04-Oct-2006 00:20
Your galleries are better than any book... ♥
You deserve one "Bible nature" from Bob Moul
What a pleasure to come in your "paradise"
Tom Murray03-Oct-2006 00:29
Hi Bob, Your pictures just keep getting better and better! Love to come over to your galleries and look around.
My macro pictures are all taken with just the Canon 100mm lens, no extension tubes. I'm hoping to get the 65mm macro next year for those really small bugs.
Guest 13-Sep-2006 20:27
Bob, Thankyou for a beautiful display, helping the Freshman class gather and Identify Insects, This has been a great help,
Guest 13-Sep-2006 12:22
I enjoy viewing the photos in your gallery. Beautiful.
Guest 10-Sep-2006 20:22
A real Inspiration, thank you and hope you keep up the good work for many years to come.
Rosemarie Kusserow30-Jul-2006 17:56
Thanks Bob for your kind comments on my shots, I feel honored about your words because you are such a great photographer, I´m glad you liked my shots, best wishes, Rosemarie :o)
Thierry Lucas30-Jul-2006 07:57
Hello Bob,
you have a lot of beautiful galleries.
Great variety
Guest 27-Jul-2006 03:02
Stephen 23-Jul-2006 23:20
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Guest 19-Jul-2006 18:58
Bob, I love your new home page. Very eye-catching. I am looking at your duskywings hoping to find one like the one I am trying to identify. I find them incredibly difficult, much worse than sparrows ever were!! Ann
Elaine Gregory 14-Jul-2006 15:34
I found your wonderful website trying to find out when the Kaufman Insect guide will be available. I've had it on order thru since Nov 2005. I saw thru google that you might still be needing insect pictures for it. I've taken thousands over the last 5 years. I recently retired and have been working on identifying my specimens. I live on 3 acres next to a creek that is too small to be on a map. More land is being lost every day to urban development. I've enjoyed the dragonflies, as well as other insects. If anyone had ever told me I'd be taking pictures of Spiders! let alone thinking some are pretty, I'd had said they were insane, but I even had a black widow as a guest in a insect display cage for a few months. I had a large walking stick and put what looks in your website to be the three legged assassin bug with it thinking it was a male walking stick. Since I read they take 2-3 years to complete their life cycle, it may be awhile, if ever, to see any results.
Annette Oliveira 04-Jul-2006 05:39
Hello Bob,
I came across your webpage while looking to identify a photo of a sphinx moth I took. Your name sounded familiar and your photos are supurb. I am doing a dragonfly survey and joined the NEodes. Are you a member of the group? I am also curious as to whether you are using a Canon film or digital camera? Regards, Annette
Guest 19-Jun-2006 05:50
Geez Bob, I've been on pbase for a long time, and all i can say is WOW your bird photography is the best i've seen. It's nice to see the 300mm F4 + 1.4x teleconverter work so well for you. I own the same setup and get great sports photos out of it. Now you've got me itching to shoot some birds. Keep up the excellent work!
John Dicus17-Jun-2006 21:48
Hey Bob,
Thanks for your recent visit to my galleries and for the comments. I really appreciate how much of a general naturalist you are, which is evident by the way you have organized your galleries, and by the information you've chosen to include with each image. Keep up the great work. I will visit your galleries often. Cheers!
Dana 14-Jun-2006 22:24
I love your photos they are nothing short of amazing.
Chantal29-May-2006 03:02
Bob, once again you have proven that beauty really is in the details!!! Thanks for providing inspiration through your photographs, your kind comments and words of encouragement, and your open and honest critiques. How many people pass these beautiful butterflies, dragonflies and birds on a regular basis and never stop to enjoy them. Looking at them through our camera lens allows us to relive that beauty over and over again. Kindest regards, Chantal
Guest 27-May-2006 19:44
Thank you very much Bob for the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the bee gallery. It wasn't until recently I started to save the images using the "save as" option in PSCS2. I tend to save for web... The exif info will be included in the shots. Most of the time I shoot with the Canon 100mm macro + Canon 1.4XIITC and a combo of extension tubes. ISO 200 ..F/11-f/13 ...1/160th-1/200th with the flash set to -1/3rd up to +2 depending on the magnification.

Thank you again for the great comments. Your work is stunning!!!

Guest 26-May-2006 21:32
Hello Bob. My wife and I really enjoyed looking through your images. Skillfully taken and with excellent processing. Suddenly I hate my desk with a vengeance! I look forward to seeing more (and retiring!) Trevor & Rosemary.
james200218-May-2006 19:46
Hi Bob,
I've really enjoyed looking through your nature galleries. They are extremely impressive indeed! Every shot is publication quality. Looking forward to viewing more later.
Bob D. Kaufman08-May-2006 01:14
Yours is an outstanding gallery of nature photographs! They are very inspiring.

Bob K.
Christie in the Poconos 17-Apr-2006 19:48
I was looking all over the web for pics to help me find out what birds are in my back yard. You site has helped me greatly and your photos are beautiful
Ron 13-Apr-2006 22:23
Your photographs are works of art. Thank you so very much!!!
Janice Konstantinidis09-Apr-2006 19:46

Lovely photos. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to see them. Janice Konstantinidis.
Jane 07-Apr-2006 12:50
Wonderful photographs! Thanks so much for sharing.
Tom Grey25-Mar-2006 16:08
Bob -- Great bird galleries! Nice presentation, as well as outstanding content -- I really enjoyed touring them. Thanks for your generous comments on mine, too. best, Tom
Gary Wilhelm 19-Mar-2006 15:41
Bob, I typed "House Finch vs Purple Finch" into Google, and lo and behold, I came across your site. Wow, is all I can say! You went into my favorites immediately.
Thanks. Gary Wilhelm
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik10-Mar-2006 01:08
Hi Bob, Outstanding collection of wildlife photos! Concentrated mainly on the dragons/damsels for now, as Lloyd and I just started learning these last year (after 20 years of birding). Looks like come spring/summer we'll have a new 'field guide' at our disposal. Most impressive!!
Regards, Sandy Spitalnik
Steve Parkin05-Mar-2006 18:35
Hi Bob. I'm a fellow nature/wildlife photographer and I stumbled across your galleries today. You have a tremendous boby of work! What region of the world do you call home?
Greta work, keep it up!

Steve P.
Guest 28-Feb-2006 03:01
Hi Gob,

Love the shots!

Steve in So Cal
Bill Baerg 26-Feb-2006 22:24
Very inspiring work Bob. I'm about to begin to try my hand at capturing some of the amazing images I see during my work day on the Golf Course here in the Canadian Rockies. If I can get just a couple close to yours I'll be happy.
TS. Bok19-Feb-2006 21:32
Truly professional work. Thanks for sharing!.
Rick Oyler 02-Feb-2006 06:33
Masterfull photography. Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Rick Oyler
Guest 28-Jan-2006 02:23
Hey Pop! The French gallery is way cool. Where to next? Perhaps Italy or maybe the far east? :-) Proud to be your son. YS
Marc Vermeulen26-Jan-2006 22:50
Absolutely beautiful work!
Guest 17-Jan-2006 20:04
Awesome galleries.Very inspiring work.
Thanks 4 sharing! :)Keep on shooting!
Best regards
Ian Christianson 12-Jan-2006 12:35
Hi Bob, was just looking at Google under Moul. You look so much like my Late Grandfather Loren Moul of the Clithrow line. I just wondered if you were related somehow. Great pics by the way.
Ian Christianson
Ken Moore, Alberta, Canada 09-Jan-2006 17:00
Hi Bob ...

I've enjoyed your picture on Birds-Pix for quite some time. This is the first time I've accessed your PBase galleries. Your photos are outstanding. I'm going to recommend your site to a fellow birder. I know that, like me, he'll love it.
Guest 03-Jan-2006 01:00
Bob, just wanted to tell you again how much I enjoy your photographs! If I can ever take photos half as good as yours, I'd be a pretty happy guy! - Larry Usselman, Harrisburg, PA
Guy Schmickle23-Dec-2005 14:11
You've got a beautiful collection of images, Bob. Your love of nature and time spent amongst it is very evident in your galleries. Keep up the wonderful work.
Ashley Hockenberry21-Dec-2005 02:44
Your work is an inspiration!! I have a new e-mail:
Thanks for all your help and Merry Christmas !!

Guest 15-Dec-2005 23:34
I am so thrilled to have stumbled upon this website with your stunning pictures. I am blessed to live in a rural area in PA where I get to see birds up close and personal on my front porch where I have feeders placed. Your pictures have inspired me to pick up my camera again. One day I hope to be able to take pictures of nature that are as stunning as yours. Thank you for sharing your awesome talent. Jen L. Delaware County PA
Joyce S. 26-Nov-2005 02:31
Thanks so much for sharing your photos. Your work is outstanding!
Ken Owen18-Nov-2005 14:50
I enjoy your galleries and come back often. I hope to share your mission when I retire some day. It's a worthy one.Thanks for sharing.
Naomi 02-Nov-2005 19:31
Beautiful gallery.
Naomi S.
Ashley Hockenberry31-Oct-2005 19:41
I was spellbound by your galleries and have saved your site to my favorites.
Awesome work. Please have a look at mine when you get a moment. Would like to
get your input and advice. BTW, my family on both sides is from Pa.

Ashley Hockenberry
Ron Lutz II11-Oct-2005 02:20
It's so nice to see a fellow Pennsylvanian with such a love for nature. I really enjoy these galleries.
Pat Phelan 04-Oct-2005 21:54
Nice job on the rare pic , PAT
Muskrat's Photos29-Sep-2005 14:13
You have a wonderful gallery of images! We share a love for Nature in Pennsylvania. I spent all morning looking at your Galleries. They are inspiring!!!
Peter Chou13-Aug-2005 02:54
Thanks Bob for viewing my gallery. I have a locked gallery and its password is seance. I believe you will find it interesting! :)
Peter Chou09-Aug-2005 00:23
Outstanding body of work you have in your galleries! I enjoyed looking at them very much!
Yvonne Merriam14-Jun-2005 12:06
Hey Bob! I hope you don't mind, but I "used" your great butterfly galleries as a field guide to ID my life Great Spangled Frit, who lit before me in my garden yesterday! When i went online to look for an ID, I asked, "Who has the BEST butterfly pics on the web?" and immediately thought, "Bob Moul!" You rock, Bob! Miss your great wit and hope you're enjoying the summer!
Jim11-Jun-2005 04:13
Bob, thank you for confirming the Id of the cabbage white butterfly. Yes, it is interesting that the photos are similar. I have enjoyed viewing your photos. Jim
lebororo03-Jun-2005 22:46
Thanks Bob,
You are in my favorites from now...
Impressive, your photographies are wonderful in quality, everything to make a photo talking!
I will take more time to visit again...
Guest 27-Apr-2005 11:38
Bob, your work is outstanding. And I really appreciate having a handy way to learn their names. Fantastic. Outstanding. Best regards, Donald Kinney
Shea 12-Apr-2005 13:55

I am a Park Ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I have been searching through your photos and they are excellent! I have been trying to put together a program to educate kids about different types of animals and was hoping to get permission to use some of your photos for the presentation. I have no intentions of selling anything, reproducing, making copies to give out, etc. It is simply a power point presentation on my computer that I carry with me to schools or to nature hikes that we guide for kids to be able to get a little closer look and get them interested in the outdoors. If you are interested in letting me use your photos or would like more information, please email me.

Thanks for your time,

Guest 08-Apr-2005 21:56
Everytime I look t your albums I am in amazement! I've sent it on to some friends who I know will enjoy seeing it! Donna
4NNie 04-Apr-2005 14:00
Very nice site!
Butterflies gallery:
Guest 31-Mar-2005 23:00
Hey there Bob! Still will be snowing here this weekend but got lots of plans for photo shoots! LOL Donna I know I will see some beautiful stuff of yours!
Ilona 21-Mar-2005 18:25
You have such a wonderful gallery, so I add you on my website too

danob 21-Mar-2005 00:08
Thanks my friend and you have a superb Gallery
Guest 18-Mar-2005 20:21
You have a wonderful body of work here Bob. I've very much enjoyed my visit through your galleries.
Bonita A. Portzline 12-Feb-2005 18:20
Dear Mr. Moul,
I enjoyed meeting you and chatting about the Short Earred, the Partial Albino, etc. etc. plus your Canon EO.
Your work is inspiring. -- Bonnie
Guest 10-Feb-2005 23:06
Very nice photographs, especially the recent Short-eyed Owl. Mark M has posted your ow3ls on the list, when I ask him for the location he said to contact you. Could you share the site with me so I can attempt to get some photographs with my 500mm lens and d10 Canon. Thanks, Terry
Bonnie 27-Jan-2005 15:58
You connect so well with nature through your photography. What a wonderful gift you have.
I visit your site from time to time...and you just get more professional all the time.
Always something new to see.. and I'm always amazed at how you capture those precise moments of life and movement and beauty all at once. Thank you for sharing your memories.
chad kauffman 24-Jan-2005 21:17
another great picture added to your already impressive folder, bob. I am anxious to hear what they say about your junco.
Dan 19-Jan-2005 00:57
Wonderful, wonderful, photographs. My grandsons and I are having a grand time learning the names of all those creatures. Thanks greatly for such a generous project.
Guest 15-Jan-2005 15:46
Beautiful images. How do I contact you about using a couple of images on a butterfly website similar to my Sphingidae of the United States at
I am particularly interested in Pterourus appalachiensis
Shelly- VA Beach06-Jan-2005 03:45
Beautiful pictures and wonderfully displayed.
Ken Owen28-Dec-2004 22:59
I appreciate your note.
I did an article for a course on wildlife habitat and came across the Audubon quote. It's a great quote that pretty much says it all. I would love to see it more as a reminder to us all. I did not notice it on your site until your note.
I was born and raised in Montgomery Co., Pa.(Southeastern near Philly) but am embarassed to say I don't know where Adams Co. is. It must be Western? Obviously it is beautiful there. Have a great new year and I look forward to seeing more of your awesome pics. I get inspired looking at others work.
Ken Owen28-Dec-2004 02:58
Awesome galleries! Obviously you have logged a lot of time in the field for such an impressive amount of quality shots. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 24-Dec-2004 21:02
Hi Bob it was a gorgeous fall in Pa. I got nice pictures here in Pa then in Vermont this year. No snow for Christmas though! We dodged a big storm this week though!
Have a great year! Merry Christmas! Donna
Happy Clicking!
Ojars Lasmanis 23-Dec-2004 20:58
Dear Artist is one of the largest Artists Directory and Virtual Gallery services on the Internet. We invite you to become a Member.

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Naturephoto Monique13-Dec-2004 01:41
I came back to say that your design is beautiful!
Naturephoto Monique09-Nov-2004 22:12
Your eye sees the true beauty in every scene, your lens reflects the beauty in your soul.
I enjoyed your gallery, keep up the excellant work.
Your Son 17-Sep-2004 19:32
Awesome pictures Pop!! You continue to amaze me. The goose tongue made me laugh! When does the book come out? You should do one of your own. Keep up the great work!

your son
Robert Marttin 30-Aug-2004 19:42
Bob, four of us met you on the trail in Codorus Park on a Saturday morning a month ago and you directed us as to how to get back out of the wooded area. Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos. They are great.
Guest 10-Aug-2004 03:29
Thanks for our kind comments on my fall album! It soon will be ehre. I plan on going to vermont with my new camera. Hope the weather will be good! Love all your photos Bob!Donna
Gerald Halliday22-Jul-2004 08:17
Hi Bob,
Thank you for your kind comments regarding my gallery. All images from the 300D were taken using the kit lens. I have had a look at your nature images they are really wonderful, I especially enjoyed the wildflowers collection.
Kind regards, Gerald.
Marjorie Bushong 09-Jul-2004 02:00
After meeting you today at the Gap, I was fortunate in visiting your website. How impressive! The photographs are wonderful!
PS I did find the shot showing the comparison between the two swallowtails.
Can't wait to see the finished photos from today.
RON RICHAEL 09-Jul-2004 00:14
Guest 25-May-2004 12:31
Very cool pictures how do you get them all to be still.
Dan12-May-2004 23:12
Very nice images.
Jeff Cochran20-Mar-2004 23:51
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)
Tom Grey25-Feb-2004 16:08
Hi Bob -- Thanks a lot for the comment on my bird pix -- I love yours! your recent Carolina Chickadee esp -- and great butterflies too, you may convert me to trying that --we geezer bird photographers should stick together -- and, yes, it's especially interesting to compare the yard birds east and west. Tom
Guest 05-Feb-2004 02:47
From a fellow PABirder, your photos are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. I've added you to my favorites list.

Amy Howe, sw PA
Linda Palmer 11-Jan-2004 15:32
Hi Bob, Your pectures are so wonderful. This is my first visit to your sites, and I enjoyed the pictures alot. Keep up the wonderful work. Best, Linda
Guest 29-Dec-2003 02:05
Bob your wildflowers are marvelous! Absolutely breathtaking! Donna:)
Cheong Weng Chun 06-Dec-2003 01:11
i am facing a problem with digiscoping. currently using a CP4500 and a nikon spotting scope. everytime i press the shutter (after focusing-half press shutter and refocus the spotting scope) the captured image does not look the same in the LCD. its very blur. need your advice. could you teach me how to make a cable release bracket?
caleb 02-Dec-2003 01:20
Hey Bob, I loved the squirrel and the car. Great job! THANKS! For fixing my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$$$$$$$$$# MERRY CRISTMAS!!! From your grandson, ~Caleb
frank28-Nov-2003 21:31
As an old entomologist revisiting my first career enjoy visiting your site. Its much better than the collecting we used todo.Will be back. Beautiful.
F Slipp, Truro Nova Scotia Canada
gabriella moul 21-Sep-2003 17:02
nice work, came in handy for my art GCSE coursework, thanx

gabriella moul
dick lee31-Aug-2003 21:05
Hi Bob,

Very nice work! Particularly enjoyed the butterflies and digiscoping albums, you have some really good captures...I know, because I take similar type photos.


Don Northup22-Aug-2003 02:41
I enjoyed your critters and bugs. Looks like the Nikon treats you well. Nice captures.
Nancy 30-Jul-2003 10:10
Beautiful photos, Ive bookmarket your site hoping the photos will help me in identifying he dragonflies ive been trying to photography in my garden. They seem to like the Lambsears and go back constantly to these plants. Fascinating creatures and very me they look like fairies..! Your photography is fantastic, I would like to be able to get pictures like these, and am intested in the type of camera you use. They look like digital photos but I cant be sure..thanks again the for the beautiful photos..and sharing them..
Bob Moul 20-Jun-2003 13:12
Great galleries Pop!! I espectially love the female Eastern Tiger Swallow Tail butterfly. Awesome! Keep up the great work. Your son.
mcronin 03-Jun-2003 15:34
Thanks for your butterfly pictures. I used them to try to upgrade my ID skills. Loved your caption "herd of zebras." Where did you tate the puddling picture of the "herd"; I'd love to visit the site. Thanks for sharing your pictures and your arftistry with us.
mymantra02-Jun-2003 04:02
Hi Bob -
Thanks for the kind words about my butterfly galleries, I see we have some things in common online :)You have some beautiful images here. I was amazed to see your image of the moth that mimics the Azures. I photographed the same moth here in Birmingham, Al back in March. I posted it on the Yahoo butterfly-pix group for help on an ID, and no one seemed to have ever seen or heard of it. About all they could tell me was that it wasn't a butterfly, which I had already guessed due to the lack of antennal clubs. Post me a message back on my guestbook if you can tell me anymore about it. Keep up the good work and thanks again -
Cheryl Johnson12-May-2003 23:36
Hi Paul

Just admiring your images. Mind sharing some information about your equipment> I am a newbie digiscoper and am very impressed with your results.

Dan Mangan 12-May-2003 17:10
Lovely pictures all around, Bob. I hope to do something along the same lines with the many digitalized photos I have on file. I'll be in touch soon to get some pointers, and look forward to more birding trips with you and the other South Mountain folks.
Dan Mangan
Judie 09-May-2003 23:23
What a wonderful site - some unblievable pictures! Hard to not keep looking but need to get some dinner on the table! So glad to have met you on an Audubon field trip. Will return to site soon. Judie
Alex Grkovich 29-Apr-2003 20:40

Great photos!!! It's a pleasure to have made your acquaintance. Keep up the good work.

JOSEDIGITAL23-Mar-2003 23:31
Just amazing pictures,you have a new fan now !
Jose Bethencourt
Buenos Aires Argentina
Certified Adobe Photoshop Naster
Ron Knott 26-Feb-2003 01:37
Great photos. I enjoyed looking at all of them. Let me know whe you update your site.
I will look forward to seeing more.
Mike DeShong 15-Feb-2003 02:32
Hey Bob,
I was just showing Terri the pictures and how you have them on your PC. great pictures. Talk to you later.

Robert C. Moul II 25-Jan-2003 06:18
Excellent photos!!! I guess the eye for art just runs in the family huh :) Hope to see you again soon, until then I look forward to seeing some more beautiful pictures pops. Talk to you later.

Robert C. Moul II