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matt_in_sha | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

Welcome to my galleries. Here you will find pictures I've been taking during my stay in Shanghai and travels around the world since 2006.

For me, photography is a means of recording a particular time and place. Some of my earlier galleries document neighborhoods in Shanghai that no longer exist. Documentary considerations take precedence over strictly aesthetic qualities of the images. Having said that, I have tried hard to keep improving my photographic skills over the years and (hopefully) this has led to an overall progress in the quality of the work.

My preferred means of expression is the photo-essay. Each individual gallery explores a particular trip, place, way of life etc.

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions and criticisms. pBase is a great place to meet photographers with similar interests and to exchange tips.

Xinjiang, 2010. (Gallery under construction)
:: Xinjiang, 2010. (Gallery under construction) ::
Pictures from my Shanghai windows (2006-2008)
:: Pictures from my Shanghai windows (2006-2008) ::
The Office, Shanghai
:: The Office, Shanghai ::
France 2007
:: France 2007 ::
Beijing 2007
:: Beijing 2007 ::
Hangzhou '07
:: Hangzhou '07 ::
Shanghai Old Town
:: Shanghai Old Town ::
Road to Shangri-la
:: Road to Shangri-la ::
Autumn Colours
:: Autumn Colours ::
Shanghai Postcards
:: Shanghai Postcards ::
Beijing 2006
:: Beijing 2006 ::
:: nights ::
:: Countryside ::
Suzhou '06
:: Suzhou '06 ::
Pretty pictures
:: Pretty pictures ::
:: Squeeky ::
 In Box
::  In Box ::
:: Winter ::