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Titia Geertman | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails


I've published books

***Titia's Bookstore***

with beautiful photographs and poetry and set up a webstore


full of nice presents with beautiful designs


Taking photos and writing rhyme,
between those two I divide my time
I found in nature a soulmate dear,
got really addicted to her I fear

I'll take your hand and show you around,
through all the things in nature I've found
And may they put your mind at rest,
I've tried to do my utmost best

Like scattered leaves, my words will flow,
hope they will touch you, before you go
Thanks for stepping into my 'store',
just be patient and I'll show you more


The latest gallerie displays first.


Boats and more
< Boats and more >
Photoclub Assignments
< Photoclub Assignments >
 In Sweetest Memory
<  In Sweetest Memory >
Mushrooms in Forest
< Mushrooms in Forest >
Black&White and Sepia
< Black&White and Sepia >
Spider's world
< Spider's world >
Trees and bushes
< Trees and bushes >
Creeks and more
< Creeks and more >
Rhyming Image (5)
< Rhyming Image (5) >
Cows and more
< Cows and more >
< Miscellaneous >
Gardening (3)
< Gardening (3) >
Landscapes (3)
< Landscapes (3) >
< Water >
Sunset (3)
< Sunset (3) >
Sky and Clouds (2)
< Sky and Clouds (2) >
< Dordrecht >