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Yiannis Pavlis | profile | all galleries | recent

Profile for Yiannis Pavlis
Name Yiannis Pavlis (joined 12-Feb-2003) (pbase supporter)
Username lens
Location Citizen of the world
Citizen of the world
View Galleries : Yiannis Pavlis has 65 galleries and 5516 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 9700698 times.

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Message from Yiannis Pavlis
Ioannis Pavlis, is a self-taught photographer born in Samos island, Greece, by the well known photo-reporter of the Northern-east Aegean islands, Georgios Pavlis. He immigrated in the United States during the decade of 1980, where he became the co-owner of a restaurant in Pennsylvania. Furthermore he experimented himself in various styles of photography, travelling throughout the world to shoot people, customs and landscapes. some photos here also and .
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