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Per Thorsen | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails

Welcome to my gallery.

I'm an amateur photographer born in Denmark, Europe in 1963 and started in the digital photographic world back in 2003 with my first camera - a Nikon Coolpix 995. Since came a Nikon Coolpix 5700 and now from August 2005, I have a Nikon DSLR D50. Please see my profile for further equipment description.

You are welcome to visit my galleries and if you have any comments or critique, positive as negative, please feel free to do so and I'll be happy.

For your own pleasure, please display the pictures in their original size. If you display the pictures in other sizes, unfortunately artifacts are showing up. If the photo is too large for your browser, please press F11.
:: B&W's ::
:: Buildings ::
:: Candids ::
:: Family ::
:: Industrial ::
:: Landscapes ::
Real Madrid - Barcelona at 19th November 2005
:: Real Madrid - Barcelona at 19th November 2005 ::
Small Creatures
:: Small Creatures ::
:: Stills ::
The Vegetable Kingdom
:: The Vegetable Kingdom ::
Visit in Madrid - November 2005
:: Visit in Madrid - November 2005 ::
Visit in Sweden - Juli 2006
:: Visit in Sweden - Juli 2006 ::
Visit in the Medieval Centre - Sundby, Denmark
:: Visit in the Medieval Centre - Sundby, Denmark ::