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David Rombough | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for David Rombough
Name David Rombough (joined 01-Nov-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username goldbough
Location Korea, South
Korea, South
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View Galleries : David Rombough has 118 galleries and 4270 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 687346 times.

View Guestbook : 11 messages. Most recent on 09-Jul-2015.

Message from David Rombough
I'm an American who has lived in South Korea for several years. I often went to different locations throughout the country. In Korea there are cities, counties, and subcounties. There are 1,502 locations (city, county, or subcounty). Most of the time I went to the countryside.

I'm also very interested in train stations. There are over 500 stations in South Korea including operational, non-operational, stoppable, and non-stoppable (via train). I want to go to all of them. Just standing on the platform counts. So if the train stops and I get out and take a quick picture, that counts as a "visit." As you can see, most of my pictures are of train stations. Enjoy the Korean scenery not seen by most foreigners!

In recent years, KORAIL (the train company) has closed small train stations that only a few people used. I've been to most of those by now. Now that I'm back in the USA I try to find interesting things to photograph in cities and nature.
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