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Susan Rovira | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
California Wildflowers
California Wildflowers
Texas Wildflowers 2010
Texas Wildflowers 2010
Zion National Park
Zion National Park
Lake Mead, Nevada
Lake Mead, Nevada
Nevada Backroads
Nevada Backroads
Summer and Fall in the Colorado Rockies
Summer and Fall in the Colorado Rockies
Iceland Poppies
Iceland Poppies
Week One: Lake Como and the Dolomites
Week One: Lake Como and the Dolomites
Week Two: Verona & Firenze
Week Two: Verona & Firenze
CINQUE TERRE:  A slide show with music
CINQUE TERRE: A slide show with music
Summer in the South of France
Summer in the South of France
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico