Message from Esko Syvänen
My father was very keen on photography and cameras has always been a part of my childhood. I remember, when I was ten years old I wanted to take some photos of my own and ask him if I could have a camera too - only a cheap one? The answer was no and he gave me his own Rolleiflex Tessar 6x6 saying: "Its not worth to learn to shoot with a bad camera. It's just wasting of film."
My father had a very good friend Kalervo, who is an enthuatistic photographer and a professional (Check his pages at )
When Kalervo was visiting us, I remember how I as a small boy was listening and watching "the men" looking and discussing about the photographs. Analyzing what's good and what could be better. This continued always till late night.
I don't consider photography as a hobby of mine. I just have grown into it.
At the moment I am photographing with three cameras: Nikon D70s (my newest love...), Minolta A1 (compact and powerful) and a Canon S80 (goes to a pocket).