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Ed Hannon28-Jun-2017 10:37
Just now saw your post.
Including and calling draw from C# is a pain. Much easier to it from C++. Even then need to add several defines to get Visual Studio to compile. I have a VS project that does this. Use it so I can run draw in debugger.
Easiest way to run draw from C# is to spawn draw executable. You can capture console output and image output after draw completes.
John A Davis 07-May-2017 01:49
Do you have any simple code to use DCRaw in a C# MVC application? I have everything working where a jpeg can be uploaded and resized.
However, I want to hook in the ability to upload and resize a RAW image, in my case, a Canon .CS2 image, however my understanding is that DCRaw will do all sorts of RAW like Nikon and Sony. I have it loaded into my MVC project but have no idea how to reference the class files and what they do. My website is which I plan to use to take $10 pictures of beginner surfers on my next trip to Costa Rica. The money will go to the Santa Teresa Pet Rescue Foundation. But I want to take the pictures in RAW format on my Canon. I notice you have some Ballroom pictures. I also have a website called . Portland Oregon is my best city as far as participants.
John A Davis
Gresham, Oregon, USA
ed hannon 04-Nov-2007 13:15
Hay we have the same name,my name is Edward Hannon i live in cape coral fl my emale is