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Cheryl Klym-Edwards | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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cafe18-May-2015 09:41
Je ne peux qu'ĂȘtre en admiration devant votre gallerie
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:47
beautiful images, loved the color of the pictures.
Thomas 22-Jun-2012 16:57
Cheryl,Again this is fabulous,perfectly taken.What a great passion!!!
Thank you for sharing
Lisa Gregg 27-Jun-2011 13:18
Hi Cheryl, Lisa from the Galapagos. Your pics turned out great and your site is beautiful! Andrew posted my pics on his website. Search Andrew Yelich Photography and he set up a gallery for Galapagos. It was a pleasure to meet you and your mom and visit such and amazing place together.
neal parisi21-Mar-2011 21:52
Cheryl, its a travel and adventure to see your images. (thank you for visiting my site). Wonderful imagery.
Ed Peterson01-Mar-2011 03:30
Thank you for your kind comments. You have excellent galleries and a very good eye.
snorkelady21-Oct-2010 22:39
Thanks for visiting my site and leaving your thoughtful comments! Your photos are exceptional and you were right about St Maarten and us having similar photos. I would say that St Maarten is the most beautiful island that I have visited thus far! Have a wonderful time in the Galapagos Islands ... that holiday as well as the side trip to Mindo was purely magical. Be sure to prepare ahead, knowing what islands and their locations in relation to location of the sun. Message me if you would like a useful reference. Cheers! Cheryl
Bill Borne18-Sep-2010 13:19
Wonderful Photos. I will be back to see more. You sure do get around!
Guest 30-Aug-2010 00:28
You've been to many places that are on my list of locations I want to visit. Such a beautiful fun to capture it! Keep up the good work.
Glass Eye04-Jul-2010 18:35
Well traveled and well documented only begins to describe your work!
You really can capture your surroundings and I get the feeling this is still just the beginning! I'll keep coming back for more.
Guest 18-Jun-2010 02:05
wow ... amazing galleries Cheryl , you are truly talented... look forward to more..
Guest 14-Apr-2010 18:46
Thanks for the comment, but I have to say, you have some excellent and very unique photos here. Great job.
Alkatj28-Mar-2010 17:44
So many truly wonderful pics.....will be back to view more!

neophotography20-Jan-2010 01:12
Dear Cheryl, thank you for dropping by my gallery, which led me to your amazing photo collections! Wow! Keep up the good work!!!

an nguyen21-Sep-2009 02:33
Thank you for stopping by my galleries. I see we live in the same city. Maybe one day we can shoot photos together..
Best Regards
Anne Nguyen
Barry McCartney14-Aug-2009 06:29
Cheryl - I took the time to look through a lot of your galleries. Very nice interesting work - I particularly like the way you tend to slant images of signs and storefronts to the right, nice idea! I have travelled to a lot of the same locations, so it was nice to see how someone else handeled the subject matter. You have a great eye for good composition. My wife and I will be driving to Utah soon to see Arches, Canyonlands and a few others, so I hope to gets some good shots.
Have added you to my favorites!
Keep up the good work.
Guest 06-Jul-2009 12:23
I have enjoyed paging your galleries. We share a few subjects in common !
(which you can view on
J-J Vandamme
Guest 19-May-2009 00:44
My word you are some awesome photographer.. I just went thru a bunch more of your galleries.. I am envious.. maybe someday I will get into it - always wanted to.
Michael Toogood02-May-2009 00:54
Thank you so much...
I really appreciate your comment as your photography is amazing!
Best wishes,
Guest 29-Mar-2009 12:01 friend Cheryl Steadman told me about your website...Beautiful!! I've been admiring you work and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it! It's the travel and the animals that I am really taken with, keep up the beautiful work!! Sue.
Fred Barfoot 02-May-2008 21:24
Hi Cheryl. WOW....didn't know you were into photography! Your gallery is excellent, and I look forward to spending more time there. What equipment are you using? D-SLR? I will be going to the Med with my new Canon S640IS, so will have some shots to share when I return.
All the Best!
CM Kwan30-Mar-2008 01:56
Really enjoy seeing your amazing pictures, Cheryl! I shall come back regularly. CM
Lisa K Perry, Abundant Life Photography, Inc.08-Oct-2007 23:11
Just have to say how much I am enjoying going through your galleries! The colors are magnificent. Great eye for many of the shots!
Hernan E. Enriquez03-Oct-2007 00:50
Your galleries are fabulous! since I am new at this can you please explain why you are using ISO 400 on those arizona desert shots? thank you, I have so much to learn! Regards, Hernan
Guest 22-Jul-2007 03:02
Really enjoyed my visit to your site. Lovely photos.
Guest 26-Feb-2007 03:38
Beautiful galleries!