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Jennifer Zhou | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
My interest in photography started in the fall of 2002, when I was studying in Vancouver. I was charmed by that city and wanted to capture its beauty with my camera. At the end of 2003, when I moved back to China, I discovered a new world of street photography and started to photograph the everyday life of Chinese people. I must thank Phil Douglis, who I met in Pbase, for opening my eyes for the first time to the world of expressive photography. He has been a dear teacher for me, and gives me continual help and support! Here is the link to his galleries on expressive photography: Thanks for your visiting! Please feel free to leave your comments and messages.
Everybody Has a Story
:: Everybody Has a Story ::
Shanghai Story
:: Shanghai Story ::
China on the Move
:: China on the Move ::
:: Abstractions ::
Shanghai Subway
:: Shanghai Subway ::
:: Cityscape ::
:: Landscape ::
Story of Rachel
:: Story of Rachel ::
Portraits: Family, Friends, and Strangers
:: Portraits: Family, Friends, and Strangers ::
Grandma's 90th Birthday
:: Grandma's 90th Birthday ::
Grandma and her Brother: Divided Still
:: Grandma and her Brother: Divided Still ::
The Mirror of My Soul
:: The Mirror of My Soul ::
My Sky. 2003
:: My Sky. 2003 ::
Greeting Cards
:: Greeting Cards ::
At the Gate of the Lion. 2003
:: At the Gate of the Lion. 2003 ::